
Degrees of Freedom: Varying Routes to Math Readiness and the Challenge of Intersegmental Alignment

Report 2 of a 3-Part Series
Pamela Burdman
Just Equations


The conventional algebra-intensive math curriculum commonly dictates students’ options for entering and completing college, including their ability to transfer from two-year to four-year institutions. The assumption that higher-level algebra is necessary for college success has led some equity advocates to promote algebra for all students. Nearly half of states require two years of algebra for high school graduation, and the Common Core State Standards being implemented in the majority of states have a similar emphasis

This second report in Degrees of Freedom—a series being published by LearningWorks and Policy Analysis for California Education (PACE) that explores the role of math as a gatekeeper in higher education—touches on how well-intentioned efforts to raise achievement have instead fueled high algebra expectations. These expectations have led to a surge in enrollment in college developmental (remedial) math courses, particularly at community colleges, over the past few decades. After nearly 10 years of investment in improving remedial math success, the initiatives with perhaps the most promise are also the most controversial.

Alternative developmental math sequences emphasizing statistics and quantitative reasoning have been developed for students interested in non-algebra-intensive fields. Early results at community colleges have been extraordinary, opening up opportunities for students to succeed in college. But the sequences defy long-held beliefs, especially within math departments, about the importance of algebra for all students.

Universities’ wariness about the initiatives has created a dilemma for students seeking to transfer to universities, leaving colleges hesitant to make alternatives available. The issue is particularly salient in California, given the state’s history of experiments with math reforms and its role as the incubator of several alternative math curricula.

Suggested citation
Burdman, P. (2015, May). Degrees of freedom: Varying routes to math readiness and the challenge of intersegmental alignment: Part II [Report]. Policy Analysis for California Education.