Commentary author

The past 18 months have presented unprecedented challenges for education. As schools gear up for the new academic year, decisions made now will shape the recovery from the pandemic. Collaboration between districts and teacher unions holds the potential to steer education into a stronger future. Although the pandemic strained some labor–management relationships, a California study found that many districts and unions worked collaboratively to address challenges during the crisis. As education moves forward, several key areas need attention: approaching problems collaboratively, prioritizing equity, smart allocation of resources, considering staffing needs, ensuring school safety, and potentially empowering school-level labor–management teams. These steps are vital for a robust recovery and the creation of an education system grounded in fairness and effective learning.


The recent influx of federal and state funds presents a critical yet time-sensitive challenge for California's school districts. While these funds offer relief for pandemic-related financial strains, they are temporary and demand strategic utilization. Leveraging previous planning experiences such as the Local Control Accountability Plans, district leaders can establish clear objectives and allocate budgets effectively. Employing cost-effectiveness analysis is paramount, guiding decisions to ensure the most impactful interventions while minimizing waste. This approach, outlined in a PACE report, involves evaluating various investment options against their costs and potential impacts. However, applying this analysis requires strategic selection, focusing on substantial investments and genuine alternative options. The aim is to maximize outcomes from these funds, addressing immediate needs while aiming for sustainable, long-term benefits beyond the pandemic recovery period.

Commentary authors
Margaret Olmos
Ali Bloomgarden

The COVID-19 pandemic worsened the educational challenges for homeless students, disproportionately impacting Black and Latinx youth. Despite efforts like Project Roomkey providing temporary shelter, transitional-age students faced barriers accessing education and support services. Collaboration between schools and expanded learning partners offers a path forward. Recommendations include developing trust-based multigenerational support, addressing educational gaps among homeless youth, and creating personalized learning hubs. Centralized support programs, such as Berkeley Unified School District's HOPE, and leveraging expanded learning staff to identify and support homeless students are crucial. Reimagining student transportation and fostering inter-agency collaborations are key steps toward providing comprehensive and equitable support to homeless students and families. Strengthening partnerships between schools and expanded learning programs remains essential to redefine educational support for homeless students beyond traditional classroom settings.

Opportunities for Expanded Learning Partnerships
Commentary authors
Amy Andersen
Tamara Clay
Heather DiFede

COVID-19 amplified the challenges for students with learning differences during distance learning, prompting the implementation of in-person or hybrid special education services. Yet, these adaptations diverge from conventional methods, necessitating innovative solutions. Collaborating with expanded learning partners offers a broader approach beyond crisis teaching, aiming for comprehensive support. Key strategies involve sharing training resources, prioritizing universally accessible learning environments, and restructuring the school day to better suit individual needs. However, barriers to collaboration persist, including funding misalignments and compliance concerns within existing regulations like the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Addressing these challenges requires policy adjustments, collaborative platforms, and interagency agreements to ensure cohesive support for students with disabilities across different learning environments.

Commentary authors
Robert Canosa-Carr
Brad Lupien

In response to the educational challenges posed by COVID-19, a partnership between The Accelerated Schools (TAS) and the expanded learning provider, arc, aimed to revamp learning strategies for older students in South Los Angeles. Recognizing the inadequacy of a one-size-fits-all model, they reimagined a student-centered approach tailored to address the complex needs of older students in a virtual learning setting. Amidst pandemic disruptions, they observed that older students, often juggling familial and economic responsibilities, struggled with remote learning. The collaboration utilized a mix of synchronous and asynchronous models, leveraging community-based organizations (CBOs) to reinforce instructional content, support student needs, and enhance engagement. Lessons highlighted the need for robust collaboration between schools and CBOs, shared grading systems for consistency, and ongoing student input in shaping educational strategies. Their experience underscored the value of this partnership in creating innovative, adaptable learning approaches that better serve students during unprecedented times.

The Role of Expanded Learning
Commentary authors
Michelle Francois
Margaret Olmos

The commentary is a guidebook for districts, schools, and expanded learning providers in better serving California's 60,000 foster care youth amid the pandemic. For these vulnerable youth, COVID-19 worsened existing trauma, isolation, and educational disruptions due to frequent home and school changes. Collaboration among public systems and community partners is crucial to create caring systems acknowledging individual strengths and needs. To bolster pandemic recovery, the approach should prioritize tailored programs by consulting foster youth about their needs, amplifying community expertise, employing staff knowledgeable about schools, and ensuring accessible health services and multilingual resources. Creativity, flexibility, and continuous learning are vital in addressing the immediate and long-term needs of foster care youth, emphasizing constant evaluation through their perspectives for effective support.


In preparing for the next school year, California state policymakers must set clear statewide expectations for teaching, learning, and student support, regardless of whether instruction is online or in person. This spring, local school districts scrambled to adapt to COVID-19 with a wide range of responses largely focused on securing delivery of online resources. Now is the time to shift the conversation back to the core purpose of school: learning. The state should establish a minimum amount of instructional time; create an instrument of diagnostic assessment and require its use; adopt instructional continuity plans; and advocate for and secure additional funding.

Possible Policy Responses
Commentary author

English learners (ELs) face diverse challenges during the pandemic, with varied educational needs and health concerns. The forthcoming academic year will likely amplify the academic gap between EL and non-EL students due to limited access to distance learning. To address this, several policy recommendations are proposed. Universal basic income, health care, and tech access are vital for EL families, especially for those in low-income or undocumented situations. Distance learning must cater to ELs by providing devices, multilingual content, and non-tech learning options. Improved communication with EL families and leveraging their cultural assets are crucial. Extending learning time for ELs, promoting collaboration among teachers, and hiring bilingual family members as aides or tutors are recommended. Assessing returning students' academic status and monitoring funds allocated for ELs' needs are vital. These policy suggestions aim to address EL education challenges amidst the pandemic, stressing equity, resources, and inclusivity in education.

Commentary author

The aftermath of COVID-19 poses a serious threat to California's education, expecting a drastic decline in tax revenue. School closures will harm all students academically and emotionally, highlighting educational inequalities. Policymakers must reimagine the system as Governor Newsom's proposed budget investments face uncertainty amidst growing needs post-pandemic. The education funding system shifted in 2013 with the Local Control Funding Formula, providing additional funds for districts with high-need students. However, the pandemic has rendered the new support system, reliant on the California School Dashboard, irrelevant. Issues such as inadequate timing and inconsistent district identification for assistance surfaced in a pre-pandemic report. A revised support system should engage diverse expertise, span multiple years, involve stakeholders, and address emerging post-pandemic needs. Simply patching the existing system won't surpass pre-pandemic outcomes; policymakers must seize this disruption to overhaul California's education structures.

Commentary author

PACE Executive Director Heather Hough cautions that COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted California's education system, highlighting the state's low funding and the substantial financial shortfall necessary to meet educational objectives. Recent research indicates a need for an additional $26.5 billion annually in K–12 education to reach state achievement goals. Decades of underinvestment have left districts financially vulnerable, compounded by the economic challenges triggered by the crisis. The dependence on personal earnings for school funding could result in severe cuts, impacting critical student services and potentially leading to layoffs. School closures have underscored their role beyond education, serving as community hubs crucial for student well-being, safety, and essential services. The pandemic exacerbates existing inequalities in learning opportunities among California students. The urgent call is to recognize schools as central to communities and the state's well-being, emphasizing the necessity for significant post-crisis investments in public education as a priority for California's recovery.

Commentary author
Sam Olivieri

The current school closures and potential future remote learning challenges have prompted the creation of the "Learning Apart, Staying Connected: A Distance Learning Playbook" aimed at aiding California school districts in developing effective distance learning plans. Recognizing the absence of a clear roadmap for this unprecedented situation, the playbook emerged as a practical resource at the request of educational leaders seeking actionable guidance amidst a myriad of options. Tailored for small- and medium-sized district administrators, it prioritizes integrating the needs of English Learners into distance learning strategies. Organized around five key questions, it offers diverse sample approaches accommodating different accessibility contexts—digital, print-based, or hybrid. The playbook also provides specific advice on supporting various student groups, including English Learners and students with disabilities, aiding teachers, and engaging with families. Collaboratively crafted by Entangled Solutions, informed by expertise in online learning and insights from California and China's educational landscapes during closures, the resource continually evolves with input from educators and leaders in the field. It aims to serve as a foundation for future preparedness in unforeseen circumstances, aiming to address local needs effectively through adaptable strategies and learnings from ongoing feedback.

PACE’s Response to COVID-19

COVID-19's closure of California's educational institutions has profoundly impacted learning, equity, and access. Efforts now concentrate on remote learning support, essential non-instructional services, and aiding students with special needs. PACE seeks to bolster these initiatives, gather best practices, and provide real-time research for informed decision-making. Anticipating challenges upon students' return, especially those facing trauma, PACE plans to focus on data collection, student support, system capacity, and resource allocation. This includes addressing learning loss, supporting vulnerable populations, fostering engagement, integrating services across agencies, and seeking adequate funding amid economic strains. PACE intends to employ diverse approaches—reviewing existing research, collecting new data, testing innovations, and analyzing policy options—to aid educators, policymakers, and the public in navigating this crisis and leveraging education for recovery

Commentary author

"Getting Down to Facts" is a new research initiative commissioned by Governor Schwarzenegger's Committee on Education Excellence, state Democratic leaders, and Superintendent Jack O'Connell. Led by Susanna Loeb, a Stanford Graduate School of Education Professor and PACE codirector, this project seeks to explore California's school finance and governance systems. Its objective is to provide comprehensive insights essential for assessing the effectiveness of potential reforms. The initiative addresses three key questions: the current state of school finance and governance, optimizing existing resources for improved student outcomes, and evaluating the need for additional resources to meet educational goals. The studies from this project are expected to be available by January 2007.