January 22, 2020 | Coastal View

Governor Newsom’s proposed 20-21 state budget directs $3.8 billion in new revenue towards public schools. However, it is not enough. The California School Board Association reports that California ranks 38th nationally in school funding, $2,475 per student below the national...

March 26, 1993 | The Los Angeles Times

Nearly two-thirds of Californians believe the way to improve their public schools is through wiser--not more--spending, but a bare majority is willing to pay higher taxes to restore state cuts in education funding, a Los Angeles Times Poll has found...

December 11, 1987 | The Los Angeles Times

Tougher school standards enacted by the state four years ago appear to be contributing to better learning conditions and academic gains, according to a study of 17 California junior and senior high schools released Thursday. The report, authored by two USC...

August 10, 1987 | The New York Times

Four years after a torrent of school ''reforms'' began to sweep across the country amid fears that American public education was lagging, schoolchildren in almost every state are facing tougher academic standards and billions of dollars have been pumped into...

December 15, 1985 | The Los Angeles Times

Two privately funded studies, issued this fall, highlight the progress and problems of California’s schools and make numerous and expensive suggestions for improvement. Those studies and their recommendations: Policy Analysis for California Education (PACE), a research group based at Stanford...