Bruce Fuller

Bruce Fuller
Bruce Fuller
University of California, Berkeley

Bruce Fuller is professor of education and public policy at the University of California, Berkeley. His work focuses on the early learning of young children and the diverse institutions that enrich their development. A former director of PACE and researcher at the World Bank, he taught at Harvard University before returning to California and UC Berkeley. He is author of Standardized Childhood and of Organizing Locally. He is working on a book on the history of civic activism and school reform in Los Angeles. Fuller received his PhD in the sociology of education at Stanford University.

updated 2012



Publications by Bruce Fuller
Mothers and Young Children Move Through Welfare Reform: Executive Summary
Policy leaders in Washington and the states are engaging a new debate over an old question: How can society best aid jobless mothers and enrich their children’s lives? The dramatic reform of family welfare policies in 1996, aided by robust economic…
For the changes under welfare reform to posi­tively affect children, the gains that mothers make from employment must lead to improve­ments in children's daily settings at home, in childcare, at school, or in the community. This article focuses on…
Policy Success, Remaining Gaps
The basic availability of preschools and centers remains unevenly distributed between affluent and lower-income communities. Yet policy initiatives mounted over the past 35 years have markedly equalized supply in some states, including California.…
Focusing on San Francisco and Santa Clara Counties
This report examines the effectiveness of California's early childhood education programs in improving school readiness and academic performance among low-income children. Using a sample of over 12,000 students enrolled in public schools,…