December 4, 2018 | RTI International

As U.S. public schools become increasingly diverse racially, culturally and economically, they are turning to social emotional programs to better serve the different ways in which students interact with and invest in schooling and their education. Social emotional learning (SEL)...

November 26, 2018 | Fox & Hounds

One Stanford University study says that California needs to spend billions more on the state’s PreK-12 public school system. Another Stanford study says that too-generous public pensions are robbing core government programs of needed funds. Will the two disparate ideas...

November 12, 2018 | Capitol Weekly

Once thought of as a sacred cow, Proposition 13, the tax revolt measure passed in 1978, is now under attack. Schools and Communities First, a coalition of nearly 300 groups and leaders, has qualified an initiative for the Nov. 2020...

October 29, 2018 | New York Times

Even among the most engaged voters, the race for state superintendent may not attract much attention. But it is attracting huge amounts of money: upward of $43 million, mostly funneled to outside groups running advertisements in the race. The battle for...

October 25, 2018 | EdSource

Six years ago, Governor Jerry Brown cut a deal with unions and the Legislature to rescue the state’s two largest public employee pension funds from insolvency—but at a steep price for school districts and other public employers. Now, in the waning...

October 22, 2018 | Capitol Weekly

The new comprehensive analysis of California’s PreK-12 education system, Getting Down to Facts II, revealed that the state is moving in the right direction with reforms put in place over the last decade, but more importantly it showed much more...