September 24, 2018 | Cal Watchdog

In 2007, researchers associated with Stanford University released “Getting Down to Facts”–a massive compilation of studies of the California K-12 public school system. The hundreds of pages of voluminous research allowed both the state education establishment and its critics to...

September 21, 2018 | KQED News

A troubling new research project finds that the achievement gap among California’s 6 million school children begins as early as kindergarten. What contributes to this startling inequity and what can be done to narrow the gap?

September 19, 2018 | Capital Public Radio

Researchers from Stanford University and Policy Analysis for California Education (PACE) released a new study on K-12 education in California this week. Dr. Susanna Loeb, Principal Investigator, and Dr. Heather Hough, Executive Director of PACE will join us to discuss...

September 18, 2018 | MSU Today

What’s causing teacher shortages in California?Michigan State University researcher Katharine Strunk helps answer that question as part of a sweeping report on public education in the state.Getting Down to Facts II, released on Monday, is intended to help policymakers make...

September 18, 2018 | EdSource

California ranks at or near the bottom of all states when it comes to the percentage of students with access to health and mental health care at schools. Yet, with $90 in added annual spending per student—which would total about...

September 18, 2018 | EdSource

EdSource interviews with Sean Reardon and Deborah Stipek, professors at the Stanford Graduate School of Education, about their contributions to the research project on California public education, Getting Down to Facts II. Reardon’s research found that California’s low-income children entered...

September 17, 2018 | Annenberg Institute

California’s education policy agenda, in particular the near-simultaneous implementation of Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF), has created challenges and opportunities for the state. Coming on the heels of the Great Recession of 2008...