September 21, 2018 | KQED News

A troubling new research project finds that the achievement gap among California’s 6 million school children begins as early as kindergarten. What contributes to this startling inequity and what can be done to narrow the gap?

September 19, 2018 | Capital Public Radio

Researchers from Stanford University and Policy Analysis for California Education (PACE) released a new study on K-12 education in California this week. Dr. Susanna Loeb, Principal Investigator, and Dr. Heather Hough, Executive Director of PACE will join us to discuss...

September 18, 2018 | MSU Today

What’s causing teacher shortages in California?Michigan State University researcher Katharine Strunk helps answer that question as part of a sweeping report on public education in the state.Getting Down to Facts II, released on Monday, is intended to help policymakers make...

September 18, 2018 | EdSource

EdSource interviews with Sean Reardon and Deborah Stipek, professors at the Stanford Graduate School of Education, about their contributions to the research project on California public education, Getting Down to Facts II. Reardon’s research found that California’s low-income children entered...

September 17, 2018 | CalMatters

A decade ago, an academic research team produced a massive report on the shortcomings in how California’s K-12 schools educate about 6 million children and adolescents. The “Getting Down to Facts” report was issued just as a very severe recession...

Teachers are responsible for educating and cultivating today’s students—the future of the U.S. democracy and workforce. By 2020, 65 percent of all jobs in the United States will require postsecondary education or training. To be prepared for democratic participation and...

December 16, 2016 | Brookings Institution

Teachers are among our most valuable school resources for improving student learning. They are the adults who interact most with students, and we rely on teachers to deliver curriculum and instruction. The research evidence is clear that teachers have long-term...

Commentary authors
John Krieg
Roddy Theobald

Evidence shows teachers often begin their careers near their hometowns, a phenomenon known as the "draw of home." This preference affects teacher distribution across districts. In Washington State, data indicates that a significant percentage of districts lack graduates from major teacher education programs, placing them at a hiring disadvantage. The draw of home is powerful, with new teachers ten times more likely to start in their hometown districts than 50 miles away. A new study suggests student teaching placements significantly influence initial job locations. In Washington, 15% of first teaching jobs occur where student teaching took place, while 40% are in the hosting district. Encouraging placements in needy districts could aid teacher hiring and performance. Novice teachers perform better in areas resembling their student teaching demographics. Purposeful placement in such districts could benefit both student teachers and these under-resourced areas. This strategy may improve job placement rates and enhance teacher effectiveness in needy districts.

Commentary author

Fostering positive relationships between teachers and students significantly impacts academic success. Researchers conducted an experiment to explore how highlighting shared beliefs and values between teachers and students might improve these connections. Contrary to common assumptions, the study revealed that when individuals learned about their shared commonalities, their relationships strengthened, leading to enhanced academic performance. The findings challenge prevailing norms that view academic improvement as the primary driver of improved teacher-student relationships. Instead, the research demonstrates that emphasizing shared beliefs and values between educators and students positively affects their interactions and academic outcomes. Moreover, the study discovered that these interventions were especially impactful for historically underserved students—black and Latino students showed significant academic improvement when teachers acknowledged their shared commonalities. This effect significantly narrowed the academic achievement gap between historically underserved and well-served students. The implications extend beyond education, suggesting that acknowledging shared values and fostering connections could address societal issues and promote collaboration. The researchers urge educational institutions and leaders to invest in strategies that enhance teacher-student relationships, underscoring their pivotal role in academic success and their potential to ameliorate social and racial disparities in education.