June 9, 2021 | Education Analytics

This infographic from Education Analytics and Policy Analysis for California Education *PACE) summarizes the results of research examining the changes in learning patterns experienced by students in grades 3–8 in California and South Carolina. Using results from winter 2020–21 interim...

June 5, 2021 | The Hill

One of the great lessons of the pandemic is this: American education does not work as it should. It doesn’t work for millions of our parents or millions of our teachers—and it especially doesn’t work for millions of our children...

May 14, 2021 | Voices of San Diego

Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez’s bill to address learning loss suffered by students learning virtually during the COVID-19 pandemic has had some ups and downs: When she first introduced the measure, she told VOSD, “No one wants me to do this bill.”...

May 3, 2021 | National Geographic

After more than a year of virtual school and pandemic stress bearing down on them, reading has become a much-needed escape for families like the Elys. “Reading stories, especially fantasy, is a ‘social vaccination’ against all the restrictions because they...

April 30, 2021 | The Free Lance-Star

The ability to read fluently and comprehend what you read is, hands down, the most important academic skill a child needs to master to be successful in school and later in adult life. There is no substitute for a lack...