July 23, 2021 | USC Rossier News

A recent poll by Policy Analysis for California Education and USC Rossier confirmed what many educators, parents and students likely already know: The public has become increasingly polarized about issues in education. The poll found that the majority of voters...


In the latest edition of the annual PACE/USC Rossier poll, partisanship is running high, but there’s still widespread agreement on how to help students catch up academically.

July 7, 2021 | Stanford Magazine

At the end of arguably the most challenging school year in history, a lot of parents are ready to throw textbooks and progress reports into a summer bonfire. But many are also concerned about what their kids missed out on...

July 2, 2021 | The Sacramento Bee
Governor Gavin Newsom on Thursday signed a law to help alleviate the pandemic’s effect on grades and graduation credits by giving California students an opportunity to redo a grade level. Assembly Bill 104, now law, creates a range of grading options to accommodate K-12 students who struggled during the 2020-21 academic year, when distance learning disrupted classroom routines.
June 28, 2021 | EdCal

Research supports ‘restorative restart’ for schools. A new report from PACE lays out 14 “restorative actions” educators should take in the 2021-22 school year to welcome students back and begin the foundational work for creating change within school systems.“Restorative Restart...

June 9, 2021 | Ther Mercury News

Governor Gavin Newsom and the Legislature have the resources needed to take bold action on youth homelessness. Thanks to significant growth in the state’s economy and federal stimulus funds, California policymakers have funding to create housing for young people who...

The Opportunity and the Risk of Inaction
Commentary author
Elizabeth Kozleski

Students with disabilities faced immense challenges during the pandemic, encountering disruptions in specialized services, heightened anxiety, and remote learning difficulties. These issues have raised concerns about potential legal actions as parents seek additional support to compensate for lost learning opportunities. California's special education system is contending with the aftermath, reporting disruptions in crucial services like speech therapy and struggles in delivering effective online education for students with disabilities. The potential influx of legal cases demanding compensation for missed services could overwhelm already strained systems. To address these concerns, proactive engagement with families, early intervention, and bolstered dispute resolution processes are essential. Legislation such as AB 967 proposes to strengthen these systems, aiming for equity and providing families with avenues for recourse, offering a path towards a more robust and responsive special education system in California post-pandemic.

Time, Talent, Training, and Technology/Materials
Commentary authors

Schools are preparing for full in-person instruction amid ongoing pandemic challenges, emphasizing the urgency of addressing heightened student academic and wellness needs. State and federal funding provide unprecedented resources to aid recovery and transformation. PACE's recent report, "Restorative Restart: The Path Towards Reimagining and Rebuilding Schools," offers 14 action areas to address students' holistic needs, focusing on relationships, wellness, and engagement. To support planning and budgeting for a restorative restart, the report introduces the "Four Ts" framework: Time (extending instructional hours, planning time), Talent (adding staff to support students), Training (professional development for new approaches), and Technology/Materials (ensuring equitable access to devices and tools). The framework, adaptable to local needs, aids in discussions and planning for districts to implement restorative actions effectively while aligning with the report's action areas.