November 18, 2020 | CalMatters

Citing California’s fastest increase yet in new coronavirus cases, Gov. Gavin Newsom pulled an “emergency brake” on the state’s reopening plan, directing 39 counties to regress into more restrictive tiers. Around 94% of the state’s residents now live in the...

November 13, 2020 | KQED

As coronavirus cases spike across California, Bay Area school districts continue to weigh when and how to reopen. San Jose Unified School District recently announced plans to open classrooms in January; Oakland Unified has yet to set a date. But...

November 12, 2020 | CalMatters

 Newsom endorsed Prop. 15 in September, though did not campaign for the measure. The governor also said recently that he would not support legislation calling for higher income taxes. Whatever the course, the road to more schools funding will likely...

Commentary authors

In California, over 700,000 individuals reside in multigenerational households, an essential consideration for educators and policymakers, particularly during the pandemic and potential school reopenings. Research underscores the impact of diverse household structures on families' decisions regarding students returning to school. With a significant portion of students living with elderly family members, concerns arise about their education and health risks. Urban districts, particularly in southern California, serve substantial populations in multigenerational settings, as indicated by data from the American Community Survey. The top five districts housing such households show a higher representation of Latinx and low-income students, hinting at potential socio-economic and demographic trends. Importantly, students with greater educational needs might hesitate to return to physical classrooms due to residing with vulnerable family members, posing a challenge for districts in designing equitable and safe reopening strategies. Policymakers and districts are urged to identify these students, offering tailored support and allocating additional resources to address health risks and ensure continued learning in an environment responsive to diverse household compositions and concerns amid the pandemic's uncertainties.

October 19, 2020 | The Hunt Institute

English learners, like their peers, have lost a large portion of instructional time due to the rapid shift to online learning caused by COVID-19. However, data indicates that the digital divide amongst underserved students, including English learners, has led to...

September 14, 2020 | UC Berkeley News

Deeply-grooved roadblocks to racial equity in K-12 education — and ways to surmount them — were the focal point of a compelling, livestreamed Berkeley Conversations event with four experts on Monday. Prudence Carter, dean of UC Berkeley’s Graduate School of...