May 9, 2022 | The 74

A recent review of school guidance and communications from the Centers on Disease Control and Prevention argues that the federal agency failed often in its goal of providing timely, actionable information to states and districts around COVID-19 safety protocols. As...

January 12, 2022 | EdSource

Covid, wildfires, economic uncertainty and persistent racial injustices have upended nearly every aspect of children’s lives in California, according to one of the first comprehensive surveys of young people’s overall well-being since the pandemic began. The 2022 Children Now Report Card...

December 7, 2021 | NewsNation

Bad report cards could soon be a thing of the past in California, because some of the state’s largest school districts are dropping “D” and “F” grades. The move is called competency-based learning. Supporters say it will help kids re-engage...