June 6, 2024 | EdSource

Cops rush to reports of students attempting suicide and overdosing on drugs, bullying, sexual assault and unwanted touching. They surveil high schoolers leaving campuses for lunch. They break up fights between parents over spots in elementary school pickup queues. They...

May 9, 2022 | The 74

A recent review of school guidance and communications from the Centers on Disease Control and Prevention argues that the federal agency failed often in its goal of providing timely, actionable information to states and districts around COVID-19 safety protocols. As...

October 20, 2021 | Ten Strands

Since May 2020, the National COVID-19 Outdoor Learning Initiative (NCOLI) has created dozens of free resources to support districts to center equity by returning students to school safely through the use of outdoor spaces for learning. In the spring and...

August 27, 2021 | Embed News

With Fall fast approaching, parents and teachers alike are wondering if this school year will bring with it some normalcy. But with over three-quarters of school districts offering remote learning options, many are worried the pitfalls of the past year...

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The past 18 months have presented unprecedented challenges for education. As schools gear up for the new academic year, decisions made now will shape the recovery from the pandemic. Collaboration between districts and teacher unions holds the potential to steer education into a stronger future. Although the pandemic strained some labor–management relationships, a California study found that many districts and unions worked collaboratively to address challenges during the crisis. As education moves forward, several key areas need attention: approaching problems collaboratively, prioritizing equity, smart allocation of resources, considering staffing needs, ensuring school safety, and potentially empowering school-level labor–management teams. These steps are vital for a robust recovery and the creation of an education system grounded in fairness and effective learning.