Teachers are responsible for educating and cultivating today’s students—the future of the U.S. democracy and workforce. By 2020, 65 percent of all jobs in the United States will require postsecondary education or training. To be prepared for democratic participation and...

December 16, 2016 | Brookings Institution

Teachers are among our most valuable school resources for improving student learning. They are the adults who interact most with students, and we rely on teachers to deliver curriculum and instruction. The research evidence is clear that teachers have long-term...

Commentary authors
John Krieg
Roddy Theobald

Evidence shows teachers often begin their careers near their hometowns, a phenomenon known as the "draw of home." This preference affects teacher distribution across districts. In Washington State, data indicates that a significant percentage of districts lack graduates from major teacher education programs, placing them at a hiring disadvantage. The draw of home is powerful, with new teachers ten times more likely to start in their hometown districts than 50 miles away. A new study suggests student teaching placements significantly influence initial job locations. In Washington, 15% of first teaching jobs occur where student teaching took place, while 40% are in the hosting district. Encouraging placements in needy districts could aid teacher hiring and performance. Novice teachers perform better in areas resembling their student teaching demographics. Purposeful placement in such districts could benefit both student teachers and these under-resourced areas. This strategy may improve job placement rates and enhance teacher effectiveness in needy districts.

Commentary author


Fostering positive relationships between teachers and students significantly impacts academic success. Researchers conducted an experiment to explore how highlighting shared beliefs and values between teachers and students might improve these connections. Contrary to common assumptions, the study revealed that when individuals learned about their shared commonalities, their relationships strengthened, leading to enhanced academic performance. The findings challenge prevailing norms that view academic improvement as the primary driver of improved teacher-student relationships. Instead, the research demonstrates that emphasizing shared beliefs and values between educators and students positively affects their interactions and academic outcomes. Moreover, the study discovered that these interventions were especially impactful for historically underserved students—black and Latino students showed significant academic improvement when teachers acknowledged their shared commonalities. This effect significantly narrowed the academic achievement gap between historically underserved and well-served students. The implications extend beyond education, suggesting that acknowledging shared values and fostering connections could address societal issues and promote collaboration. The researchers urge educational institutions and leaders to invest in strategies that enhance teacher-student relationships, underscoring their pivotal role in academic success and their potential to ameliorate social and racial disparities in education.

Commentary authors
Alex J. Bowers
Jared Boyce

Principal turnover in the United States has become a pressing issue, with as many as 18% exiting schools annually, associated with detrimental effects like reduced student achievement and increased teacher turnover. While previous studies have focused on predictive models assuming a single type of exiting principal, this research delved into the 2007–08 Schools and Staffing Survey (SASS) and the 2008–09 Principal Follow-up Survey (PFS) from the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) to identify distinct categories among exiting principals: "Satisfied" and "Disaffected." Satisfied principals, comprising around two-thirds of exits, displayed high satisfaction, influence, and minimal school climate issues. In contrast, Disaffected principals, about one-third of exits, reported lower influence, negative attitudes, and more climate problems. Specifically, Disaffected principals felt restricted in setting curriculum and standards, lacked enthusiasm for their role, and often considered transferring out. The study highlights that universal approaches to address turnover might not effectively target the Disaffected minority, suggesting the need for tailored strategies to combat principal turnover.

Teacher Autonomy and Accountability in Charter and Public Schools
Commentary author
Zachary Oberfield

A new study focuses on the anticipated advantages of charter schools compared to public schools, particularly in terms of teacher autonomy and accountability. While the charter school system was envisioned to provide educators with more freedom and responsibility, this research sought to verify these assumptions. Analyzing teacher survey data, the study found that teachers in charter schools indeed experienced more autonomy than those in public schools. However, there was no significant disparity in how accountable they felt. Interestingly, within the charter school realm, teachers in schools run by Educational Management Organizations (EMOs) reported less autonomy compared to teachers in independent charter schools, with a parallel level of accountability. The research suggests that excessive administrative red tape, especially prevalent in public schools and EMO-run charters, may hinder teacher autonomy. This raises concerns about the accountability aspect of the charter school arrangement and calls for improvements in both sectors. Public schools might benefit from reducing unnecessary administrative burdens to enhance teacher autonomy, while charter schools, especially EMO-run ones, need to address issues hindering teacher independence and accountability fulfillment.

Commentary authors
Matthew G. Springer
Walker A. Swain
Luis A. Rodriguez

In low-performing, high-poverty schools with high teacher turnover, the focus often shifts from replacing ineffective teachers to retaining the most effective ones. Tennessee initiated a $5,000 retention bonus for top-rated teachers in the lowest-performing schools. Analyzing its impact, the program significantly increased retention of high-performing instructors in tested subjects, up by about 20%. These retained teachers outshined potential replacements, exhibiting a 1.64 standard deviation increase in effectiveness compared to likely new hires. Yet, this bonus had no significant effect on untested subject teachers, suggesting that one-time incentives might not offset systemic issues in the teacher evaluation system. Schools with disadvantaged students face a crucial need to retain effective teachers, as teacher concentrations in such settings often negatively affect working conditions. While retention bonuses show promise, other factors beyond monetary rewards influence teacher retention, calling for further exploration of working conditions, policy incentives, and compensation interactions. However, these targeted bonuses prove cost-effective and advantageous compared to turnover-related expenses, potentially offering significant benefits to students by retaining highly effective teachers.

April 16, 2016 | The New York Times

Many of the causes for the unequal participation in higher education are very difficult to address. But we do know what to do about one big part of the divide: the information disconnect. Students who are new to America or...

Implications for Researchers and Data Systems
Commentary author

Michael W. Kirst discusses the new federal Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) and the CA overhaul of accountability based on local control of education policy. The federal law requires multiple measures for accountability, including some with state choice. Databases for English learners will change significantly. Federal requirements for teacher evaluation will be deregulated significantly. State assessments are all over the place and will be hard to summarize. California is building an integrated federal/state/local accountability system that includes 23 metrics, primarily for local use in Local Control Accountability Plans (LCAP) that focus on improving budget strategy. Longitudinal data bases from the past will be difficult to integrate with these policy shifts.

Teacher Experiences and the Promise of Choice
Commentary author
Elizabeth Montaño

Over the past two decades, charter schools emerged as part of school reform efforts, providing parental choice in education. However, research highlights that despite their intended autonomy and innovation, charter schools have often failed to offer sustainable working conditions for teachers. A new study, focusing on a Los Angeles charter school organization, delves into teachers' experiences leading to unionization in 2005, aiming to understand why choice-based environments pushed educators towards collective action. Teachers described a vibrant yet exhausting professional setting, lacking job security and facing longer working hours compared to district teachers. Despite initial collaboration with school leaders, teachers felt unheard about their working conditions, prompting unionization discussions. Over 60% of teachers voted for a union, desiring sustainable working conditions and a voice in decision-making. However, the governing board resisted, perceiving the union as an impediment to their flexibility. The study emphasizes the struggle of charter school teachers for equitable working conditions and the significance of their collective actions in achieving sustainability. This research remains pertinent in understanding charter school challenges, as highlighted by recent unionization attempts and legal disputes in Los Angeles charter schools.

Commentary authors
Gail E. Uellendahl
Maya N. Tenenbaum

Researchers exploring the role of school counseling site supervisors in California have discovered gaps in their training and practices. Despite a state requirement for these supervisors to hold credentials as school counselors, there are no established standards or guidelines for their preparation or practice in this role. Out of 220 practicing school counselor site supervisors surveyed, a notable 41% felt unprepared by their counselor education programs for their supervisory role. Furthermore, a significant majority received inadequate training during their graduate programs, with only a small percentage participating in dedicated courses or workshops on supervision. A news study highlights a lack of ongoing supervision for these supervisors, with most indicating a strong interest in receiving proper training, particularly through handbooks, workshops, and conferences. The research underscores the necessity for counselor education programs to take the lead in developing appropriate supervision models, advocating for clearer standards, and fostering collaboration among stakeholders to address this critical need in school counseling.

Commentary author
Matthew Steinberg

Researchers consider the transformative changes in teacher evaluation systems following the Race to the Top initiative, emphasizing the adoption of multiple performance measures such as value-added measures and classroom observations. While the majority of states and districts underwent revisions, California notably abstained from statewide reforms. Despite the spotlight on using student test scores, most teachers' ratings primarily stem from classroom observations, especially those teaching non-tested subjects. Initially lacking evidence, recent studies, notably the Excellence in Teaching Project in Chicago Public Schools, reveal that in-depth teacher evaluations focusing on classroom interactions can enhance teaching practices and, consequently, student outcomes. However, these advancements require substantial time commitments from observers, typically principals, and teachers, coupled with comprehensive training and ongoing support. Crucially, while these evaluations demonstrated positive impacts overall, schools facing lower performance and higher poverty witnessed less progress, underscoring the necessity for added resources and support. As California deliberates its evaluation system revisions, researchers urge policymakers to prioritize resources and support for comprehensive teacher evaluations, recognizing their pivotal role in fostering student achievement.

An Experiment with Free Middle School Tutoring
Commentary authors
Matthew G. Springer
Brooks Rosenquist
Walker A. Swain

Researchers conducted an experiment to determine if incentives could improve low-income students' attendance in tutoring programs provided through Supplemental Education Services (SEdS). Three groups of 5th-8th graders were formed: one offered a $100 reward for regular attendance, another receiving certificates of recognition, and a control group without incentives. Surprisingly, the monetary reward didn't increase attendance, while the certificate group attended 40% more sessions than the control. This contrasts with past studies showing monetary incentives for improved test scores as ineffective, suggesting that mere rewards may not enhance skills without additional support. The certificate approach proved cost-effective, costing $9 per student versus $100 for the monetary incentive. However, wider implementation's effectiveness might diminish due to students' varied perceptions of recognition's value, related to existing academic achievements or repeated rewards. The study's success suggests non-monetary incentives are effective and inexpensive. Policymakers and educators seeking to boost student participation in underutilized programs should consider these findings, emphasizing nuanced research into varying incentives' effectiveness and cost-efficiency to motivate student engagement. Despite these promising results, a comprehensive solution requires a deeper understanding of how different incentives affect diverse student populations and their sustained impact over time.

Students with Special Health Care Needs
Commentary authors
Dian Baker
Samantha Blackburn
Kathleen Hebbeler

Schools face the dual responsibility of educating children and providing health services to over a million students in California with special health care needs (SHCN). These students are at higher risk of academic struggles and absenteeism. However, schools often lack awareness of these students’ conditions, neglecting their unique health needs. The absence of specific regulations leaves decisions about health services and staffing to individual districts. Alarmingly, 57% of districts in 2013 had no school nurses, while those with nurses had ratios far exceeding recommended levels. In the absence of nurses, unlicensed staff handle critical health procedures. The lack of state guidance and dedicated funding exacerbates these challenges. To address this, California should mandate systematic identification and care for students with SHCN, track health emergencies, monitor attendance and educational outcomes, and ensure standardized training for all staff delivering health services. These steps could safeguard the health and academic success of all students, aligning with the proven link between health and academic performance.

Analyzing the Motivational Potential of Financial Awards in a TIF Program
Commentary authors
Kathleen Mulvaney Hoyer
Cara Jackson
Betty Malen
Jennifer King Rice

A new study delves into teacher perceptions of financial incentives within the context of the Teacher Incentive Fund (TIF) program, examining how rewards influence teacher behaviors and participation. It explores data from a TIF-supported program offering rewards for various achievements. Research shows diverse reactions among teachers based on payout sizes, valuing fairness, linkages to effort, and performance. Larger awards elicited more positive responses and influenced ongoing participation. However, the findings imply these incentives might draw high-performing teachers, raising questions about their impact on reshaping the teacher workforce. Teachers emphasized the importance of fair, linked-to-performance payouts to sustain their engagement in the program. The study highlights crucial design elements for incentive programs, advocating for attainable maximum awards, fairness considerations, credible performance measures, transparent eligibility criteria, and clear payout rules. It urges further research using representative data to comprehend teachers' responses to different incentive combinations over time, essential for refining educator incentive programs.

Commentary author
Ellen Goldring

Educational institutions are increasingly revamping teacher evaluations, integrating student performance measures and classroom observations. LAUSD’s shift in evaluation systems and Vergara v. California’s ruling against certain teacher employment statutes spotlight this transformation. However, research across six urban districts reveals shifts in the role of value-added measures in decision making. Principals find value-added data problematic due to its infrequency, complexity, and limited applicability to teachers in untested subjects. Instead, they value the transparency, timeliness, and specificity of teacher observation systems, which provide comprehensive insights into teaching practices for all educators. While acknowledging differences between value-added and observation systems, research also emphasizes the advantages of teacher observation systems in informing timely and specific decisions. Despite concerns about observation systems’ time-intensive nature and the recent legal implications, these frameworks offer enhanced transparency and actionable feedback, potentially compensating for the limitations of value-added measures. Overall, the rise of observation systems signifies a positive step in leveraging data for informed human capital decisions in education.

April 9, 2015 | EdSource

California has its plate full implementing a range of landmark reforms, including the Local Control Funding Formula, the Common Core State Standards and a new accountability system which will go beyond just test scores and include “multiple measures.” In many...