July 19, 2019 | EdSource

A study by the Learning Policy Institute draws on evidence from focus groups to understand challenges principals face and suggests strategies to support and retain them, including professional learning opportunities, competitive salaries, more decision-making authority, and timely evaluations and feedback.

July 15, 2019 | SF Chronicle

As a candidate for governor, Gavin Newsom put forward a bold vision of high-quality early education for all the state’s youngest learners, and he is making good on his campaign promise. Early learning and child care occupy prominent places in...

July 12, 2019 | Trinity University

Oscar Jiménez-Castellanos, PhD, has been appointed chair of the Department of Education and Murchison Endowed Professor of Education at Trinity University. He will also serve as executive director of the Center for Educational Leadership. Previously, Jiménez-Castellanos was associate professor and director of...

July 8, 2019 | EdSource

The California Board of Education has replaced the four-year graduation rate with a combined four- and five-year graduation rate to give schools an extra year to help students earn their diplomas. Last spring, 25,000 seniors “were still enrolled in school...

June 19, 2019 | EdSource

As charter school conflicts intensify in California, increasing attention is being focused not only on the schools themselves but on the school boards and other entities that grant them permission to operate in the first place. They’re called charter authorizers...

June 17, 2019 | EdSource

College affordability is a top concern for voters throughout California, but the problem is most profound for African Americans and residents living in rural areas of the state, according to a poll of 2,000 California voters by Policy Analysis for California Education...