November 24, 2021 | The Mercury News

It’s been eight years since then-Gov. Jerry Brown restructured California’s school funding formulas to direct billions of dollars to the state’s neediest students. But, in 2019, state Auditor Elaine Howle confirmed what critics had been saying for years: State and...

November 21, 2021 | CalMatters

In the broadest sense, LCFF embraced the conventional wisdom that altering the flow of money would profoundly affect educational outcomes. However, from its inception, LCFF has been awash in controversy—not over its concept, but rather its implementation. The latest attempt...

July 30, 2021 | EdSource
To improve accountability and transparency in California’s special education system, funding should bypass local cost-sharing consortiums and go directly to school districts, according to a new report. Compiled by researchers at the nonpartisan consulting firm West Ed, is the second of a two-part study of ways to improve funding for California’s 725,000 students with disabilities in K-12 public schools. The report will be presented to the Governor, Legislature, and other State officials.
July 28, 2021 | ABC 10

When the COVID-19 pandemic shuttered schools, the grades and mental health of millions of students declined. Several of the leading Republican challengers in the upcoming recall election of Govenor Gavin Newsom see this crisis as an opportunity. Their solution: more...

July 28, 2021 | The Sacramento Observer

Schools are shaping up as a key battleground in the upcoming California recall election, and the coterie of Republicans running to replace Governor Gavin Newsom is offering voters an alternative vision of public education: school choice.

July 16, 2021 | The Nation

California Governor Gavin Newsom signed a series of budget bills worth more than $100 billion, giving the most detailed glimpse yet into how the state’s huge budget surplus will be distributed over the coming months, and how California’s experiment with...

June 9, 2021 | Ther Mercury News

Governor Gavin Newsom and the Legislature have the resources needed to take bold action on youth homelessness. Thanks to significant growth in the state’s economy and federal stimulus funds, California policymakers have funding to create housing for young people who...

Suburban Superintendents Reflect and Reimagine
Commentary authors
Sara Noguchi

The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed and worsened existing inequities in suburban schools across California. These inequities encompass varying educational opportunities, outcomes, and disparities in basic needs. In districts like Modesto City Schools and Ontario-Montclair School District (OMSD), the crisis unveiled issues such as food insecurity, lack of technology access, and disparities in extracurricular activities, exacerbating the preparation and opportunity gaps. However, this crisis has also spurred a readiness for change and opportunities to address these disparities. It has prompted educators and community partners to reimagine schooling with equity as a focal point, aided by federal and state funds for relief efforts. Both districts are leveraging these funds to address digital divides, expand mental health support, redesign educational programs, and enhance staff services. They aim to sustain these changes by advocating for flexibility in spending and funding mechanisms tailored to local needs, recognizing the necessity for ongoing support beyond the pandemic. Looking forward, district leaders envision a transformed education landscape that celebrates diversity and prioritizes equity.