Benjamin W. Cottingham

Benjamin Cottingham Policy Analysis for California Education (PACE)
Benjamin W. Cottingham
Associate Director, Strategic Partnerships,
Policy Analysis for California Education, Stanford University

Benjamin Cottingham is the associate director of strategic partnerships at Policy Analysis for California Education (PACE). His work focuses on the development of organizational conditions that support the continual improvement of student outcomes across California’s education system. He examines how California’s county offices of education support continuous improvement. He is involved with several research partnerships, including the CORE-PACE partnership, studying the impact of networked improvement communities on at-risk student populations. Cottingham received his master’s in education policy from Stanford University.

updated 2021

Publications by Benjamin W. Cottingham
Research to Guide Distance and Blended Instruction
Though the delivery of instruction in the 2020–21 school year will be altered to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, a long-standing research base on high-quality instruction can inform decisions about students’ learning and engagement. The following…
Lessons from Other States
California faces challenges in its efforts to improve educational outcomes for students with disabilities (SWDs), especially regarding SWDs’ participation in general education originally mandated by Public Law 94-142. Research evidence consistently…
The Vision for County Offices of Education
County offices of education (COEs) are expected to provide ongoing support to districts and other local education agencies to drive continuous improvement within California’s education system. Fulfilling this role has required COEs to carry out…
The Case of Garden Grove Unified School District
This case study of the culture of improvement in the Garden Grove Unified School District (GGUSD) is part of a broader set of reports on findings from the CORE-PACE Research Partnership’s developmental evaluation in 2018–19. The research in 2018–19…