Bing Han

Bing Han
Senior Statistician and Professor,
RAND Corporation & Pardee RAND Graduate School

Bing Han is a senior statistician at the RAND Corporation and a professor at the Pardee RAND Graduate School. His research interests include large-scale simultaneous inference, nonparametric statistics, causal inference, and longitudinal data. He is an applied statistician working in several policy domains, including public health, education evaluation, and science and technology. Han received his PhD in statistics from Pennsylvania State University.

updated 2012

Contributing topics
Publications by Bing Han
How Districts Responded to Flexibility in Tier 3 Categorical Funds in 2010–2011
California's system of school finance is highly regulated and prescriptive. A large share of state funding is allocated through categorical programs, that is, programs whose funding is contingent upon districts using the money in a particular way or…