Charles Scott Benson

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Charles Scott Benson
Director and Chief Investigator, National Center for Research in Vocational Education,
University of California, Berkeley

Charles S. Benson was expert on the economics of education, educational administration, and policy analysis. He has taught at Bowdoin College, Harvard, and University of California, Berkeley, where, at the time of his death, he was a professor emeritus. In addition to his numerous teaching credits, Benson was also the director and chief investigator of the National Center for Research in Vocational Education. Benson played a major role in the search for school finance reforms; his text, The Economics of Public Education, helped define the subject. He received his PhD from Columbia University.

updated 1986

Publications by Charles Scott Benson
This paper argues that the components of educa­tional provisions which satisfy private demands, mythology aside, almost invariably win out over the public goods components. If true, this leads, on the one hand, to a diminished supply of social…
Vocational Education in California Public Secondary Schools
Eleventh and twelfth grade students in California comprehensive high school and Regional Occupational Centers/Programs (ROC/ROPs) collectively spend about one million hours a day on vocational education. This represents a large investment of student…
Today, in California, we are at a critical juncture with respect to education. California is predicted to need between 150,000 and 190,000 additional teachers between 1984 and 1991. The state will have to replace up to 75 percent of the teaching…