Daniel Bolt

Daniel Bolt
Daniel Bolt
University of Wisconsin–Madison

Daniel Bolt is the Nancy C. Hoefs-Bascom Professor of Educational Psychology and chair of the quantitative methods area at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. His research interests focus on the theory and application of psychometric methods in education and psychology, especially in the application of latent variable models for purposes of test validation, assessment of individual differences (such as response styles), and the modeling of student growth. He received his PhD in psychology and quantitative methods from the University of Illinois at Urbana—Champaign.

updated 2019

Publications by Daniel Bolt
This article illustrates the application of mixture IRT models to evaluate respondent confusion due to the negative wording of certain items on a social-emotional learning (SEL) assessment. Using actual student self-report ratings on four social-…
This paper illustrates the application of mixture IRT models to evaluate the possibility of respondent confusion due to the negative wording of certain items on a social-emotional learning (SEL) assessment. Using actual student self-report ratings…