Daniel C. Humphrey

Daniel Humphrey
Daniel C. Humphrey
Independent Education Consultant

Daniel C. Humphrey is an education policy consultant and the former director of the Center for Education Policy at SRI International. He is a nationally known expert on teacher development, urban education, and school reform. He has more than 20 years of experience researching complex educational interventions both in California and the U.S. He has managed numerous large-scale, multiyear evaluations, many of which focus on state and federal education policy; efforts to improve schooling for low-income and special needs children; and principal and teacher development. Among these are studies of California’s Peer Assistance and Review programs as well as of the state’s Local Control Funding Formula. A former elementary school teacher and principal, Humphrey holds an EdD in history and education from Teachers College, Columbia University.

updated 2021

Publications by Daniel C. Humphrey
Leadership, Partnership, and Community
Public education today faces a troubling set of challenges, including declining enrollment, staffing shortages, and polarized communities, with school boards at the center of broader political debates. How did we arrive at this current state? This…
California enacted a groundbreaking shift to its school-funding system when it passed the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) in 2013. The law sought to make funding more equitable and also aimed to increase local control based on the premise that…
A Guide for Parents, Families, and the Public
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the majority of school districts in California will not have in-person teaching in fall 2020. Over the months ahead, parents, educators, and the public will have to navigate uncertainty in weighing the costs and…
Lessons from Other States
California faces challenges in its efforts to improve educational outcomes for students with disabilities (SWDs), especially regarding SWDs’ participation in general education originally mandated by Public Law 94-142. Research evidence consistently…