David N. Plank

David Plank
David N. Plank
Professor (Research) Emeritus,
Stanford Graduate School of Education

David Plank was the executive director of PACE for 11 years. Before joining PACE, he was a professor at Michigan State University, where he founded and directed the Education Policy Center. Plank is the author or editor of six books, including the AERA Handbook of Education Policy Research. He has published widely in a number of fields, including economics of education, history of education, and educational policy. His interests include the role of the state in education and the relationship between academic research and public policy. In addition to his work in the U.S., Plank has extensive international experience. He received his PhD from the University of Chicago.

updated 2021

Commentary by David N. Plank
Publications by David N. Plank
Results from the Fourth PACE/USC Rossier Poll
California is in the middle of a nearly unprecedented period of change in the state’s education system. Following voter approval of Proposition 30 in 2012, the Legislature adopted the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) in 2013. The LCFF upended…
Results from the Third PACE/USC Rossier Poll
California is in the midst of sweeping education changes. The state is rolling out the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and a new system of assessments. Voters approved a temporary statewide tax increase that will provide additional funding to…
Results from the PACE/USC Rossier August 2012 Poll
California has long been viewed by the rest of the nation as leader in many areas, including education. The state’s K-12 and higher education systems were once the envy of other states. Of late, though, the news from the Golden State has not been so…
Five Years Later
This report commemorates the fifth anniversary of the Getting Down to Facts project, which sought to provide a thorough and reliable analysis of the critical challenges facing California’s education system as the necessary basis for an informed…