Elizabeth Gilman

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Elizabeth Gilman
Curriculum and Policy Analyst, California Social Work Education Center, School of Social Welfare,
University of California, Berkeley

Elizabeth Gilman is a curriculum and policy analyst at the California Social Work Education Center (CalSWEC) in the School of Social Welfare  at the University of California, Berkeley. She was previously as an instructor and policy analyst at Yale University, specializing in child development and social policy issues. She also practiced law as a civil litigator specializing in civil rights, health care, and educational matters. Her direct service experience includes several years as a group facilitator with troubled adolescents and as a protective services social worker. Gilman received her MA in psychology from the University of Chicago and her JD from the University of Connecticut.

updated 2002

Publications by Elizabeth Gilman
Year 1—Qualitative Implementation Study
This report on the implementation of Alameda County’s Child Development Corps program provides guidance and lessons for policymakers, program administrators, childcare advocates, and others who are planning similar initiatives to improve retention.…