James E. Rosenbaum

James E. Rosenbaum
Professor of Human Development and Social Policy, School of Education and Social Policy; Professor of Sociology, Department of Sociology,
Northwestern University

James E. Rosenbaum is professor of human development and social policy in the School of Education and Social Policy and professor of sociology in the Department of Sociology at Northwestern University. He is a faculty fellow with the Northwestern Institute for Policy Research (IPR). Rosenbaum is an expert on the college-for-all movement, college attendance and coaches, high-school-to-work transitions, and linkages among students, schools, and employers. A specialist in research on work, education, and housing opportunities, he has published six books, including Bridging the Gaps: College Pathways to Career Success and After Admission: From College Access to College Success. His research has contributed to the design of award-winning community college reforms, federal and state policies, and programs to improve college access for low-income students. He is the recipient of the 2019 Elizabeth G. Cohen Distinguished Career in Applied Sociology of Education Award. Rosenbaum earned his MA and PhD in sociology from Harvard University.

updated 2024