Jeffrey Vincent

Jeffrey Vincent
Jeffrey Vincent
Director, Public Infrastructure Initiatives of the Center for Cities + Schools (CC+S),
University of California, Berkeley

Jeffrey Vincent is the director of public infrastructure initiatives and co-founder of the Center for Cities + Schools at the University of California, Berkeley. The center is a policy research and technical assistance to promote high-quality education as an essential component of urban and metropolitan vitality to create equitable, healthy, and sustainable cities and schools for all. Vincent's policy and research interests concern land-use planning, community development, and educational improvement, with a particular focus on how school facilities serve as educational and neighborhood assets. He received his PhD in city and regional planning from the University of California, Berkeley.

updated 2018

Publications by Jeffrey Vincent
A 10-Year Perspective
California’s 6-million-student public school system includes a vast inventory of publicly owned buildings and property. All of these facilities need to be maintained and some need major renovations to ensure health, safety, and educational…
Investing in Education Facilities and Stronger Communities
Working paper series—California Builds Better Schools by PACE and the Center for Cities and Schools, at the University of California, Berkeley. California is midway through one of the grandest public infrastructure projects ever attempted. Over the…