Jorge A. Aguilar

Jorge A. Aguilar is the superintendent of Wonderful College Prep Academy. He was previously superintendent of the Sacramento City Unified School District (SCUSD), with responsibility for over forty thousand students and seventy-five schools, and was associate superintendent in the Fresno Unified School District (FUSD), as well as associate vice chancellor for educational and community partnerships and special assistant to the chancellor at the University of California, Merced. Aguilar further serves as a commissioner on the Carnegie Postsecondary Commission (CPC) and is an advisor to Policy Analysis for California Education (PACE). He has more than twenty-five years of K–12 and higher education experience with a strong focus on and background in issues of equity and student achievement. He has supported educators in significantly increasing high school completion rates, dramatically reducing dropout rates, raising student performance, and improving post-secondary entry and success. Aguilar graduated from the University of California, Berkeley, with a degree in Latin American studies and Spanish and Portuguese and earned his JD from Loyola Law School. He is the son of farm workers in the central valley of California and a product of the Migrant Education Program, a national initiative supporting migratory students across the states.
updated 2024