Kristin Butcher

Kristin Butcher
Marshall I. Goldman Professor of Economics, Department of Economics,
Wellesley College

Kristin Butcher is the Marshall I. Goldman Professor of Economics in the Department of Economics at Wellesley College, and concurrently vice president and director of microeconomic research for the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago. She was previously second vice president for the Midwest Economics Association; at Brookings Institution, the Cabot Family Chair and senior fellow in Economic Studies while director of the Center on Children and Families; and a visiting senior fellow in the Public Policy Institute of California. Butcher's research focuses on labor and health economics, with an emphasis on immigration issues and issues surrounding childhood obesity. The research encompasses the impact of immigration on labor market outcomes for U.S. natives; the impact of immigration on crime in the U.S.; and links between school policies and children's health. Other research includes evaluating the impact of various higher education programs on student outcomes. Butcher holds a PhD in economics from Princeton University.

updated 2024