Laura Stokes

Laura Stokes
Laura Stokes
Senior Research Associate,
Inverness Research

Laura Stokes is senior research associate at Inverness Research, a nonprofit that works with both organizations that fund educational improvement projects and the programs they support to improve the efficiency and effectives of the improvement work. She is especially interested in teacher development and leadership, as well as the contributions of teacher leadership to the strengthening of the education profession and educational policy. Stokes was previously director of the University of California, Davis, site of the National Writing Project; director of the composition program at UC Davis; and assistant director of the California Subject Matter Projects at the University of California Office of the President. She received her PhD in educational policy from Stanford University.

updated 2018





Contributing initiatives
Laura Stokes in the Media
Publications by Laura Stokes
California’s Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) was signed into law in 2013, and represents the most significant change in California education finance and governance in 40 years. It moves additional funds to districts with students in poverty,…
The Local Control Funding Formula in Year 3
This report seeks to help policymakers and others better understand ways in which Local Confrol Funding Formula (LCFF) implementation is changing fundamental aspects of resource allocation and governance in California’s K–12 education system. The…