Lindsay C. Page

Lindsay C. Page
Annenberg Associate Professor of Education Policy, Department of Education,
Brown University

Lindsay C. Page is the Annenberg Associate Professor of Education Policy in the Department of Education at Brown University and a research fellow with the National Bureau of Economic Research. She has been an associate professor of psychology in education in the School of Education at the University of Pittsburgh (Pitt); a research scientist with the Pitt Learning Research and Development Center; and a lecturer at Harvard University, where she was a senior research manager with the Center for Education Policy Research. Her work focuses on quantitative methods and their application to questions regarding the effectiveness of educational policies and programs across the preschool to postsecondary spectrum. Much of her recent work has focused on implementing large-scale randomized trials to investigate potential solutions to "summer melt"—the phenomenon of college-intending students failing to transition successfully to college. She has co-authored Summer Melt: Supporting Low-Income Students Through the Transition to College, published by Harvard Education Press. Page received her PhD in quantitative policy analysis from Harvard University.

updated 2024