Mark E. Engberg

Mark E. Engberg is chief of staff and secretary of the corporation at La Salle University. He has previously been interim vice president of Enrollment Management, and he managed the La Salle Office of the General Counsel. He has taught and/or held administrative positions at Northwestern University, Morgridge College of Education at the University of Denver, and the Department of Education at Loyola University Chicago (LUC), and served as vice president of research and senior consultant at Human Capital Research Corporation. Engberg's research focuses on global learning and development, and the educational benefits of diversity, specifically the affirmative action policies and practices that improve educational access and opportunity in postsecondary education for racially minoritized and low-income students. His research has been published in journals including The Journal of Higher Education, Review of Higher Education, Research in Higher Education, Equity and Excellence in Education, Journal of College Student Development, TC Record, and Review of Educational Research. He is a recipient of the AERA Outstanding Review of Research Award and the LUC Distinguished Faculty Award for Excellence in Research. Engberg receive his MA in counseling psychology from Northwestern University and his PhD in higher education administration from the University of Michigan.
updated 2024