Martha Cecilia Bottia
Martha Cecilia Bottia is a research associate professor of sociology at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. Her research interests include the effects of school racial and socioeconomic composition on educational outcomes, the impact of the implemented curriculum on racial and socioeconomically diverse students, and the role of K–12 school structural characteristics on college STEM outcomes. She further researches illicit drugs and terrorist organizations, and the education of immigrant students. She has also published widely in journals such as Economics of Education Review, Review of Educational Research, Sociology of Education, Journal of Research in Science Teaching, Science Education, Social Justice Research, Elementary School Journal, Social Forces, Social Problems, Homicide Studies, and Teachers College Record. Dr. Bottia holds a PhD in public policy and MA in sociology jointly from UNC Charlotte along with an MS in environmental economics and natural resources, an MS in economics, and a BS in economics collectively from Los Andes University, Bogota, Colombia.
updated 2024