Mary Gardner Clagett

Mary Gardner Clagett
Senior Director, Workforce and Education Policy Group,
Jobs for the Future

Mary Gardner Clagett is senior director of workforce policy for the Workforce and Education Policy Group at Jobs for the Future. She has more than 25 years experience working with the U.S. Congress in the fields of education, workforce development, and human services policy. Gardner served at the National Center on Education and the Economy and as the lead staff for republicans on the United States House Committee on Education and Workforce. She has also served in the U.S. Senate on the Labor and Human Resources Committee for West Virginia Senator Jennings Randolph. Gardner did her graduate work at George Washington University.

updated 2002

Publications by Mary Gardner Clagett
Lessons for Early Education
California previously embarked on a sizable experiment aimed at reducing the steady turnover of preschool teachers and allied childcare staff. The state’s taxpayers are now investing over $21 million annually in these county-run programs, offering…