Michelle Nayfack

Michelle Nayfack
Michelle Nayfack
Associate Director of Research Practice Partnerships,
California Education Partners

Michelle Nayfack is the associate director of research practice partnerships for California Education Partners, a nonprofit that fosters collaborations among California’s school systems to help them better innovate, improve, and build internal capacity to close opportunity and learning gaps among students. In this role, she serves as the director of the Stanford–Sequoia K–12 Research Collaborative, a partnership between Stanford University's Graduate School of Education and nine school districts in San Mateo County. She previously held a variety of education policy research positions at PACE and the American Institutes for Research, and she has been a high school English teacher in Los Angeles. Nayfack received her PhD in urban education from the Rossier School of Education at the University of Southern California.

updated 2017


Publications by Michelle Nayfack
Early lessons from the CORE districts
In California, recent policy shifts have created a high degree of local control with the expectation that school districts will think differently about school and district improvement. However, many districts lack the individual expertise and…
Promoting College Access in Fresno Unified School District
California’s Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) requires districts to report multiple measures of student performance that reflect success in the goal of preparing students for college, career, and citizenship. As they engage in the Local Control…