Paul Bruno

Paul Bruno
Paul Bruno
Assistant Professor, College of Education,
University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign

Paul Bruno is an assistant professor of education policy, organization, and leadership in the College of Education at the University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign. He uses quantitative methods to study school finance, school choice, resource allocation in schools, and teacher quality. In addition to writing policy briefs and reports for policymakers and practitioners, his research has been published in a variety of peer-reviewed journals, including Educational Administration Quarterly, Journal of Education Finance, American Educational Research Journal, and Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis. He has also taught middle school science in Oakland and Los Angeles.

Bruno received his MA in economics from the University of Southern California, and before that, an MA in science and math education from the University of California, Berkeley. He received his PhD in urban education policy from the University of Southern California.

updated 2022


Publications by Paul Bruno
High schools in California—and around the country—increasingly offer computer science (CS) and often would like to expand CS offerings further. However, these expansions pose a number of challenges for administrators and policymakers, especially if…
Evidence from California
Charter schools enroll a growing share of public school students, leading to concerns about the financial implications of charter schools for traditional public schools. Using detailed expenditure data for school districts in California, this paper…
Researchers in the Getting Down to Facts II project showed that while the financial picture has improved in recent years for California’s school districts, several important challenges remain. This report explores one of these challenges in greater…
California’s Current Policies and Funding Levels
California policymakers have established the expectation that all public school students should have access to a broad course of study, in classes where instruction is consistent with the state’s content standards. Further, the state holds schools…