Pega Davoudzadeh

Pega Davoudzadeh
Former Doctoral Graduate Researcher and Teaching Assistant, Department of Psychology,
University of California, Davis

Pega Davoudzadeh is a former doctoral graduate researcher and teaching assistant in the Department of Psychology at the University of California, Davis (UCD). Dr. Davoudzadeh was also a graduate student researcher at San Diego State University (SDSU). She is currently a senior researcher with Atlassian. Previously, she was a people research scientist at Facebook and people database researcher at Yahoo! Inc. A psychologist at heart, she works in the people analytics space and has spent most of her academic and professional career studying and understanding humans, earning her doctoral degree in quantitative psychology, where she learned how to employe the best methods to capture human attributes. Dr. Davoudzadeh holds a PhD in psychometrics and auantitative psychology from the University of California, Davis along with an MA in neuropsychology and a BA in psychology jointly from San Diego State University.

updated 2024