Rami Benbenishty

Rami Benbenishty is professor emeritus at Luis and Gaby Wiesfeld School of Social Work at Bar-Ilan University in Israel and the head of research and evaluation at the Haruv Institute in Jerusalem. His research includes numerous published studies on school violence and children, youth at risk, and the implementation of a large-scale school violence prevention model in Israel. He is also an advocate of children’s rights and serves on numerous public committees addressing children’s needs and rights. He has been honored with the Society for Social Work Research Distinguished Career Achievement Award (in the U.S.); the EMET Prize for Art, Science, and Culture (in Israel); and he is recognized as a Chevalier Ordre des Palmes académiques (in France). He is a member of the American Academy of Social Work and Social Welfare. Benbenishty received his PhD in social work and psychology from the University of Michigan.
updated 2024