Teny Maghakian Shapiro

Teny Maghakian Shapiro
Former Assistant Professor of Economics, Economics Department, Leavey School of Business,
Santa Clara University

Teny Maghakian Shapiro is a former assistant professor of economics in the Economics Department in the Leavey School of Business at Santa Clara University. She was previously an assistant professor of economics at the University of California, Merced, where she had served as a fellow with the Health Sciences Research Institute. Shapiro is currently a principal data science manager at Microsoft and was formerly a senior data scientist at Slack. She is also presently a board member at Lafayette Partners in Education. During her assistant professorship at Santa Clara University, she researched and specialized in health and education alongside labor and public economics. Her studies have been published in the Journal of Health Economics and in the American Economic Journal: Economic Policy. Shapiro received her PhD and MA in economics from the University of California, Davis and BA in economics and mathematics from the University of California, San Diego.

updated 2025