Trish Stoddart

Trish Stoddart
Professor of Education,
University of California, Santa Cruz

Trish Stoddart is professor of education at the University of California, Santa Cruz. Stoddart is an expert at improving the teaching of science in culturally and linguistically diverse classrooms. She has extensive experience in research on instructional innovation and science education and has led several large federally funded projects. One of these was the NSF-funded Local Systemic Initiative LASERS (Language Acquisition through Science Education for Rural Schools), which brought together seven school districts to improve the teaching of science to English language learners in California's Central Valley. Another was the USDOE Federal Eisenhower Project CCTD (California Consortium for Teacher Development) which brought together 18 CSU and UC campuses in a research and development project on preparing pre-service teachers to work with diverse learners. Stoddart is the author of over 70 journal articles and monographs on science education, teacher education, and educational policy and reform.

updated 1991

Publications by Trish Stoddart
Recruiting and Preparing Teachers for an Urban Context
For at least 20 years, traditional approaches to teacher recruitment have not provided sufficient numbers of teachers to meet the needs of urban areas or of high-demand subject areas such as mathematics, science, bilingual education, and special…
Recruiting and Preparing Teachers for an Urban Context
Alternative routes into teaching have been widely criticized by the teacher education community as "quick fix" solutions to teacher short­ages, an approach which recruits substandard teachers, provides inade­quate professional education, and results…
Today, in California, we are at a critical juncture with respect to education. California is predicted to need between 150,000 and 190,000 additional teachers between 1984 and 1991. The state will have to replace up to 75 percent of the teaching…