California's Emerging Teacher Shortage
The conference will present new evidence on the scale of California’s emerging teacher shortage, with a particular focus on already critical shortages of teachers in specific fields and regions. It will also feature presentations on new approaches to teacher recruitment, preparation, and retention that might help to ameliorate the worst impacts of the shortage on California students. Presenters and panelists will include senior researchers, policy leaders, and local practitioners.
The conference is co-sponsored by Policy Analysis for California Education (PACE), the Learning Policy Institute (LPI) and the Education Policy Center at AIR.
Opening Remarks: Senator Carol Liu, District 25
Panel: California’s Emerging Teacher Shortage in Perspective
Louis Freedberg, EdSource (moderator); Dave Gordon, Sacramento County Office of Education; Jesse Levin, AIR; Kimberly Rodriguez, Office of Senate President pro Tempore; Patrick Shields, LPI; Leib Sutcher, LPI
Panel: Critical Shortages
Joy Resmovits, Los Angeles Times (moderator); Patricia Gandara, UCLA; Lynn Holdheide, AIR; Roy Mendiola, Firebaugh Las Deltas Unified School District; Rick Pratt, Assembly Education Committee
Panel: Policy Responses, Pre-Service
Jill Tucker, San Francisco Chronicle (moderator); Ellie Fulbeck, AIR; Roneeta Guha, LPI; Theresa Montano, California Teachers Association; Mary Sandy, Commission on Teacher Credentialing
Linda Darling-Hammond on California's Emerging Teacher Shortage
Panel: Policy Responses, In-Service
Angela Minnici, AIR (moderator); Lindsay Burningham, San Diego Education Association; Dan Humphrey, Education Policy Consultant; Julia Koppich, J. Koppich & Associates; Katharine Strunk, USC
Susanna Loeb on on California's Emerging Teacher Shortage
Keynote Speakers:
Senator Carol Liu
Linda Darling-Hammond, Stanford University and Learning Policy Institute