PACE Event

Re-Envisioning Fairness in Educational Assessment and the Next Edition of the Standards


This one-day conference builds on the conversation started in a recent Special Issue of Educational Assessment centered on fairness in testing and assessment. The event is cosponsored by the University of California, Los Angeles, UCLA CRESST, and Policy Analysis for California Education (PACE).

Date: 8am to 2pm Friday, October 6, 2023

Location: The James West Alumni Center, University of California, Los Angeles, 325 Westwood Plaza, Los Angeles

Sessions will explore:

  • The meaning of fairness in educational assessment
  • Conceptual and methodological challenges in adopting new approaches
  • Implications for educational measurement, policy and practice
  • Recommendations for the forthcoming revision of the Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing

Schedule for the day:

8:45am-10:40am: Welcome by UCLA School of Education & Information Studies Dean Tina Christie, UCLA Education Chair Cecilia Rios-Aguilar, and PACE Executive Director Heather Hough

Plenary Session:


Chair: Joan Herma, Director Emerita, CRESST, UCLA

Break 10:40-11:05

11:05am 12:35pm: Simultaneous Breakout Panels:  

  • Implications for Measurement and Psychometrics (Chair: José Felipe Martínez, UCLA School of Education & Information Studies)

Panelists: Randy Bennett (Educational Testing Service), Li Cai (UCLA School of Education & Information Studies), Guillermo Solano-Flores (Stanford University), and Ye Tong (National Board of Medical Examiners). 

Q&A and discussion with the audience

  • Implications for Assessment Policy and Practice (Chair: Alison Bailey)

Panelists: Juli Coleman (CORE Districts), Heather Hough (Policy Analysis for California Education), Jennifer Randall (University of Michigan), Anne Vasquez (EdSource), Emily Wolk (Santa Ana Unified School District).

Q&A and discussion the audience