PACE Event
Redesigning Evaluation Processes
A Systems Approach to Improving Evaluation and Teacher/Principal Effectiveness
PACE along with Pivot Learning Partners and Full Circle Fund are sponsoring a one-day conference for school district teams with an interest in redesigning their teacher/principal evaluation systems in the larger context of strengthening teacher/principal effectiveness. In addition to listening to a panel of experts, team members will have the opportunity to network with other district leaders from across the state.
- David N. Plank, Executive Director, PACE
- Judith Warren Little, Dean of Education, University of California, Berkeley
- Johanna VanderMolen, Project Lead and Coach, Pivot Learning Partners
The Policy Context: What’s Driving the Interest in Teacher and Principal Evaluation?
- Merrill Vargo, Independent Education Consultant, Pivot Learning Partners
Framing the Issues: What Should Be Driving Our Work On?
- Jim Brown, Senior Advisor, Pivot Learning Partners
Perspectives from Policy and Research
- David N. Plank, Executive Director, PACE
- Katherine Strunk, Assistant Professor, University of Southern California
- Julia E. Koppich, President, J. Koppich & Associates
- Mike Egan, Assistant Executive Director, California Teachers Association