Surprising Strengths and Big Needs

Nearly every county and legislative district in California has a rural and/or small school district. All school districts face challenges in their efforts to implement the Common Core State Standards (CCSS), but these issues may be exacerbated among school districts located in under-resourced, isolated regions of the state.
Do rural and/or small districts in California face unique challenges to CCSS implementation due to their size and location? Do capacity limitations related to central office staffing, budget, and geography limit their ability to provide comprehensive support for principals and teachers?
Do rural districts have access to the same kinds of support services as the average district? Are rural districts limited by size and sparseness of services?
Are the implementation challenges of rural districts sufficiently different from those of suburban and urban district to require special attention?
In this seminar Thomas Timar examines these questions, discusses the responses of rural and/or small districts to overcome the limitations that size and geography have imposed on them, and proposes solutions to overcome these limitations.
- Thomas Timar, Professor Emeritus, University of California, Davis
Moderated by Allison Carter, Vice President, Pivot Learning Partners