July 23, 2021 | USC Rossier News

A recent poll by Policy Analysis for California Education and USC Rossier confirmed what many educators, parents and students likely already know: The public has become increasingly polarized about issues in education. The poll found that the majority of voters...


In the latest edition of the annual PACE/USC Rossier poll, partisanship is running high, but there’s still widespread agreement on how to help students catch up academically.

April 30, 2021 | EdSource

Like a Category 4 hurricane, Covid-19 has undermined the state’s newly built California School Dashboard and system of state and county support for schools deemed to need help for poor performance. It could be a few years before the system...

April 30, 2021 | The Free Lance-Star

The ability to read fluently and comprehend what you read is, hands down, the most important academic skill a child needs to master to be successful in school and later in adult life. There is no substitute for a lack...