Commentary authors
Joscha Legewie
Thomas A. DiPrete

Research into the gender gap in STEM fields indicates persistent disparities despite women's similar math abilities and educational achievements. While prior explanations focused on societal perceptions and work-life balance, recent studies, including "Pathways to Science and Engineering Bachelor’s Degrees for Men and Women" and "The High School Environment and the Gender Gap in Science and Engineering," delve into the crucial role of high school experiences in shaping STEM aspirations. Analyzing data from the National Education Longitudinal Study, these studies reveal that if female high school seniors held comparable STEM interests as males, the STEM degree gap could diminish by as much as 82 percent. Notably, disparities among high schools in attracting students to STEM fields based on pre-high school inclinations highlight the impact of factors like robust STEM curricula and reduced gender-segregated activities. Policy implications emphasize the potential effectiveness of high school interventions, signaling the need for further research and targeted strategies, as the lasting influence of the high school environment on STEM orientations presents a promising avenue for narrowing the gender gap in STEM.

Cause for Concern
Commentary authors
Bevan Koch
John R. Slate
George W. Moore

A new study compares Hispanic students' performance on Advanced Placement (AP) English exams across California, Texas, and Arizona from 1997 to 2012. Significant differences were found among the states, with Arizona having the highest passing rates, California following, and Texas consistently showing the lowest passing rates. Despite increased Hispanic participation in AP English exams, most students didn't achieve scores for college credit or advanced placement. The College Board urged equity in AP classrooms, advocating for demographic parity in successful AP students. However, none of the states met this criterion for Hispanic students. Placing unprepared students in AP courses was highlighted as an issue, emphasizing the importance of aligning prerequisite curriculum for college readiness. While AP programs aim for wider access, reducing funding without addressing readiness and support risks being wasteful, missing opportunities to prepare students effectively for college. Efforts focusing on prerequisite skills and additional support for students are crucial to ensure AP participation truly aids in college preparation and success.

October 1, 2014 | Inverness Research

California has taken the first steps down an historic path that fundamentally alters how its public schools are financed, education decisions are made, and traditionally underserved students’ needs are met. The Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF), passed with bipartisan legislative...

Residential Segregation and Inequality in Educational Attainment
Commentary author

Research published in the journal Social Problems investigates the impact of residential segregation on educational outcomes among over 2500 youths aged 14 to 26. Findings reveal that higher segregation significantly reduces high school graduation rates for poor and black students, contrasting with no discernible impact on white or affluent youths. Students from disadvantaged backgrounds in less segregated areas showed improved graduation rates. Conversely, segregation didn't affect educational success for privileged students. The study suggests that desegregation could enhance outcomes for disadvantaged groups without impeding the privileged, emphasizing how integrated areas generally achieve higher educational attainment overall. This research highlights the potential of residential integration to uplift disadvantaged students without hampering the success of their more advantaged counterparts.

English Language Learner Classmates and Socio-Emotional Skills in Early Elementary School
Commentary author

Recent state policies, such as Proposition 227 in California, advocate integrating English Language Learner (ELL) students into general education classrooms alongside non-ELL peers. While existing research has mainly focused on ELL student outcomes, a new study explores how the presence of ELL students impacts the social development of their non-ELL classmates, an area less explored in prior studies. Utilizing data from kindergarten and first grade students, the study examines the relationship between the number of ELL classmates and the social development of non-ELL students. Findings suggest a positive correlation: higher numbers of ELL classmates relate to reduced problem behaviors and enhanced social skills among non-ELL students. Additionally, teacher training in English as a Second Language (ESL) appears to amplify these positive effects. This understanding holds significance for California's educational landscape, witnessing an increase in ELL students in general education settings. Identifying influential classroom factors can shape more effective practices, particularly in fostering social development, crucial for lifelong educational success.

Evidence for Innovating Teacher Observation Systems
Commentary authors
John Gargani
Michael Strong

Teacher evaluation, driven by philanthropic support and federal mandates, heavily incorporates classroom observations in most states, where they carry significant weight—contributing to dismissals in 22 states and the District of Columbia. Despite their prevalence, educators disagree on observation protocols, frequency, announcement practices, and assessment tools. Many states opt for standards-based observations, recently endorsed through research like the Measures of Effective Teaching (MET) study, albeit these assessments were primarily designed to gauge instructional standards rather than predict student outcomes, displaying weak correlations with achievement. The concern over these observations lies in their demanding nature, with numerous scoring criteria and estimated costs of $3 billion annually for nationwide implementation. Calls for innovation in observations, aiming for speed and efficacy, sparked validation studies for the Rapid Assessment of Teacher Effectiveness (RATE). In seven experiments, RATE outperformed benchmarks, accurately identifying effective teachers in just 20 minutes of a lesson using a concise rubric after minimal training. It showcased higher reliability and effectiveness compared to instruments reviewed in the MET study, potentially offering cost-effective, efficient evaluations and early support for struggling teachers, benefitting student learning.

Commentary authors
Andrew Plunk
William Tate

In 1981, the National Commission on Excellence in Education spurred 26 states to heighten graduation requirements in math and science by 1989. Intended to enhance college readiness, these changes raised concerns about increased dropout rates among ill-prepared students. Analyzing data from over 2.8 million individuals, a new study has unveiled worrisome trends. Higher course graduation requirements (CGRs) correlated with elevated high school dropout rates across the board, particularly affecting groups like Black men, experiencing a 1.9 percentage point increase. The increased CGRs showed no significant effect on overall college enrollment. Conversely, they diminished the likelihood of post-high school college attendance for Black women and Hispanic men and women. However, within these groups, individuals less prone to childhood relocations demonstrated improved college degree attainment with heightened CGRs, notably observed among Hispanic men and women. Despite some benefits for specific groups, the study underscores the limited short-term gains from heightened CGRs. It stresses the need to anticipate unintended consequences in policy changes, especially in diverse populations. This insight remains crucial, particularly in implementing more rigorous academic standards, emphasizing the necessity for robust academic and psychosocial support for potentially underprepared students.

Evidence from NAEP
Commentary authors
Elizabeth McEneaney
Francesca López
Martina Nieswandt

In the US, ongoing concerns surround schools' struggles to close educational gaps, especially among English learners (ELs), often overlooked in subjects like science and math. Academic fluency in one's native language, as proposed by Jim Cummins, a prominent figure in bilingual education, is considered vital for acquiring proficiency in a second language across subjects. Recent research examined the link between state education policies emphasizing bilingualism and science achievement among Latino ELs in eight states. Using NAEP data from 2000 and 2005, the study assessed state policies on language acquisition alongside science scores. States with stronger bilingual emphasis showed notably higher science achievement among fourth-grade Latino ELs in 2005, with even moderate support for bilingualism demonstrating benefits. Conversely, shifts towards English immersion in California, Arizona, and Nevada correlated with lower science scores by 2005 among fourth graders. Eighth graders' scores in 2005 and both grade levels in 2000 didn't display this pattern, indicating potential benefits of moderately supportive bilingual policies for smoother integration into science education for ELs.

July 29, 2014 | EdSource

After nearly two decades, bilingual education in California could stage a resurgence if the state Senate approves a bill in August that would put the issue on the ballot in November 2016.

Commentary authors
Michael Hurwitz
Jessica S. Howell

During financial strain in school districts, counselors face layoffs, notably in California, where over 1,000 students rely on a single counselor. The lack of empirical evidence on counselors' impact possibly leads to their perceived dispensability. Research has predominantly focused on teachers, overlooking the comprehensive influence of counselors beyond attendance and discipline. A new study explores the causal link between additional high school counselors and four-year college enrollment rates. Analyzing National Center for Education Statistics' data from 12 states with mandated student-to-counselor ratios, we used a methodology simulating a randomized experiment. Findings suggest an extra counselor could boost college enrollment by up to 10 percentage points. For instance, in a typical high school with 113 graduating students, this could translate to 11 more students attending four-year colleges. Though unable to pinpoint the exact cause for this impact, counselors' beliefs align; over half advocate for prioritizing a college-going culture. Our research underscores the need for improved counselor staffing, providing evidence for administrators to address sub-optimal counselor levels and their effects on student opportunities.

Populating Classrooms in the Age of Performance-based Accountability
Commentary authors
La’Tara Osborne-Lampkin
Lora Cohen-Vogel

Performance-based accountability (PBA) encourages using achievement data for school improvement, including student assignment decisions. A recent study focuses on Florida elementary schools under PBA to understand their practices. While all schools used performance data (test scores, course grades) for student assignments, there was little variation between high- and low-performing schools. Despite PBA's intent to assist struggling students, researchers found no significant shift in assigning them to more effective teachers. Schools aimed for balanced classrooms, distributing high, middle, and low performers equally across teachers. Principals emphasized fairness and conducive learning environments over targeting struggling students to specific teachers. This study reveals that while PBA influenced using performance data for assignments, it did not prompt schools to allocate struggling students to the most effective teachers. Principals prioritized fairness, maintaining balanced classrooms, and spreading students evenly across teachers rather than concentrating struggling students with particular educators.

A Tool for Evaluating English-Language Arts Teacher Candidates’ Skills and Knowledge to Teach
Commentary author

The enactment of Senate Bill 2042 in California led to the development of the Performance Assessment for California Teachers (PACT) to evaluate teacher candidates. However, PACT's generic approach might not effectively assess English-Language Arts (ELA) candidates, especially in rural border schools where cultural context plays a pivotal role. Researchers examine how PACT assesses ELA candidates in such contexts. Two central inquiries drive the study: the influence of school accountability and available resources on teaching during PACT. Reviewing eight ELA teacher candidates' PACT Teaching Event commentaries revealed constraints like standardized tests and limited resources, hampering candidates' ability to develop culturally relevant teaching methods suited for rural settings. The study suggests enhancing PACT by evaluating candidates' abilities to connect teaching with rural themes, address educational inequalities, foster critical thinking, and promote collaborative learning. It recommends assessing teachers' adaptability within complex sociocultural contexts. Further research is proposed to explore effective learning strategies for bilingual, bicultural students in rural border areas and design culturally sensitive assessments and curricula that accommodate diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds.

The Policy Analysis for California Education hosted a seminar titled “Ready for College? The College Readiness Indicator System” on Friday, May 16, 2014. This seminar addressed the implementation of the College Readiness (CRIS) and CRIS Resource Series, which includes information...

July 9, 2014 | EdSource

The move to local control under the state’s new funding and accountability system has given school districts much leeway in adopting the Common Core State Standards, the challenging math and English language arts standards that California and 41 other states...

Commentary author

Policymakers are reshaping teacher evaluation by emphasizing student test scores, classroom observations, and elevating the stakes tied to evaluations. Race to the Top mandates states to gauge and reward teachers based on student performance measures like "value-added," which constitutes about half of evaluations in states such as Florida and Ohio. The remaining 50 percent comprises teacher assessments typically conducted by school administrators, influencing decisions on tenure, dismissal, promotion, and compensation. The Measures of Effective Teaching (MET) project explores diverse teacher evaluation methods. However, the relationship between teachers' value-added scores and principals' evaluations remains understudied. A recent study examined 294 teachers in a Florida school district. Comparing principals' ratings and matched value-added scores, researchers found weak correlation between them. Some highly-rated teachers had low value-added scores due to perceived lack of effort or solitary work. Conversely, some low-rated teachers had high value-added scores, attributed to contributions beyond their classrooms and personal challenges. This study highlights that evaluation tools influence not only immediate teacher rewards but also long-term teaching qualities. High stakes on principal evaluations may shift teachers toward visible effort and social interactions, while emphasis on value-added scores might refocus them on classroom activities. Ultimately, the choice of evaluation tools shapes the nature and focus of the teaching profession.

July 7, 2014 | KQED

A year ago, the California Legislature approved far-reaching changes to public school funding, giving more power to local districts and additional resources for disadvantaged students. Now, as districts come up with plans to implement the new "Local Control Funding Formula,"...

Commentary authors
Ana M. Elfers

Researchers explored the impact of a Washington state incentive program aimed at increasing the number of National Board Certified Teachers (NBCTs) working in high-poverty schools. The state doubled bonuses for NBCTs in such schools. The study tracked changes in NBCT numbers and their distribution across schools, comparing three groups: NBCTs, all state teachers, and a demographic similar group without NBCT certification. During the study period, the number of NBCTs working as K-12 classroom teachers in Washington significantly increased. There was also a notable rise in the proportion of NBCTs in high-poverty schools. The analysis indicated that NBCTs had similar retention rates but showed more movement between schools compared to non-certified teachers. Additionally, NBCTs in challenging schools tended to stay in the same school at higher rates, suggesting the certification program helped retain experienced teachers in these settings. This study highlights the potential of increased compensation to motivate teachers, especially in challenging schools. However, it suggests the incentive might not have prompted many teachers from non-challenging to challenging schools. It also proposes improvements, such as encouraging groups of NBCTs to move collectively to challenging schools and granting districts more flexibility in determining which schools need NBCTs the most.

June 30, 2014 | The World Bank

In today’s world of rapid technological change and increasing global competitiveness, South Asian countries need a well-educated and skilled workforce to sustain long periods of growth. While the region has made tremendous gains in expanding access to schooling over the...

June 26, 2014 | EdSource

An annual poll of Californians’ views on education contains bad news for teachers unions and advocates of the Common Core standards, good news for backers of charter schools, mixed news for preschool supporters and a warning for State Superintendent Tom...