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Increased state funding of public education has led to a call for statewide accountability systems. Current trends rely on standardized true-false testing, which can distort what happens in schools when financial incentives are linked with the tests. Teachers are important, and accountability should provide positive encouragement without excessive use of testing. A set of principles and an outline for a statewide accountability system that relies on both top-down and bottom-up accountability is presented.
Their Influence on State Policy Making


This report analyzes the role of policy issue networks in early state policymaking stages and interstate diffusion of policy innovations. It defines agenda setting as active and serious consideration of a specific issue by state policymakers and investigates how state policymakers are stimulated to consider policy issues across the U.S. The authors further examine the nature of policy issue networks and their interaction with specific state political cultures, providing insights into the rapid interstate diffusion of new policy issues in the 1970s.