Lynn DeLapp
Lynn DeLapp has spent over 25 years working with state, local governments, foundations, and community‐based organizations to develop and implement a broad range of policies and programs for children and families. DeLapp spent 13 years as the California Legislature's Assembly Office of Research's principal consultant on early childhood and children and family policy. She was responsible for developing key legislation on local child care planning and on integrated funding for children’s services. DeLapp then brought her expertise on programs for young children to PACE. She served as project coordinator for the California Cares Project, an initiative to analyze and streamline California’s child care and development system. She worked as the integrated child and family services specialist for the California State Association of Counties (CSAC), assisting counties in responding to the needs of families. She also served as deputy director of the CCS Partnership, an organization formed by CSAC, the League of California Cities, and the California School Boards Association. DeLapp received her MPA from the University of Southern California.
updated 1996