Getting Down To Facts II Symposium
Over the past 10 years, California's PreK-12 public school system has seen transformative changes in almost every arena, from academic standards and accountability to resource allocation through the funding formula. The Getting Down To Fact II project brought together over 100 of the country's top education scholars to examine these changes and assess our progress. The project's 36 studies, released this past fall, focused on student success, governance systems, personnel issues, and school finance, and together, they can help build a common understanding of where we are that can be used to guide further improvements.
This symposium is designed to enable education leaders in the San Diego area to engage directly with some of the GDTF researchers, and each other. The researchers will provide brief overviews of the findings in three different areas, followed by time for questions and table discussions around how this evidence might inform local efforts to improve our schools. This event will be co-hosted by San Diego State University and Policy Analysis for California Education (PACE).
Welcome (4:00-4:15pm)
Joseph F. Johnson, Jr., Interim Provost, San Diego State University, and Executive Director of the National Center for Urban School Transformation; and Barry Chung, Dean, College of Education, San Diego State University
Overview of the Getting Down to Facts II Project (4:15-4:30pm)
Jennifer Imazeki, Professor of Economics and Director of the SDSU Center for Teaching and Learning, San Diego State University
Preparing Teachers of English Learners (4:30-5:00pm)
Lucrecia Santibañez, Associate Professor, Claremont Graduate University
Building Stakeholder Engagement (5:00-5:30pm)
Taylor N. Allbright, Assistant Professor of Educational Leadership, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
Using Data for Continuous Improvement (5:30-6:00pm)
Heather J. Hough, Executive Director, Policy Analysis for California Education
Closing (6:00pm)
Related publications
- English Learner brief: English Learners: Charting Their Experiences and Mapping Their Futures in California Schools
- Continuous improvement publications
- Getting Down To Facts II summary report: Current Conditions and Paths Forward for California Schools
- Stakeholder engagement publications
- Taking stock of stakeholder engagement in California’s Local Control Funding Formula: What can we learn from the past four years to guide next steps?
- Promising Practices in Local Stakeholder Engagement in School Governance
- Voter Awareness, Support, and Participation in California’s Local Control Funding Formula