August 6, 2020 | Los Angeles Times

Many teachers, students and their families can agree on one thing after experiencing the unexpected hurricane that was distance learning this spring: It must improve—especially in the earliest grades, transitional kindergarten through second grade. Our youngest students, from ages 4...

August 3, 2020 | CalMatters

A week before some California districts start school, many parents remain in the dark about what online learning will look like as teachers unions and districts negotiate instruction plans — in some cases behind closed doors. Major points of contention...

An Invaluable Tool for Reducing Educational Inequity
Commentary authors
Cecelia Leong

Monitoring attendance, especially during COVID-19, holds immense importance, reflecting educational disparities. Chronic absence predicts future academic challenges. Student absences signal inadequate learning conditions and require systemic solutions. Senate Bill 98 mandates daily attendance tracking and participation documentation in distance learning, ensuring early interventions for absent students. Measuring attendance in remote settings is complex, but vital. Attendance Works suggests a multi-metric approach, identifying at-risk students and barriers to participation. Different responses address various challenges—connectivity, relationships, or instructional engagement. Tracking absence rates per learning opportunity helps pinpoint support needs. Recommendations include publishing chronic absence data, collecting connectivity statistics, and providing guidance for asynchronous learning data collection. Detailed attendance tracking aids targeted interventions and ensures equitable learning experiences.

July 29, 2020 | ABC10

For most California students in schools and colleges, the fall term will look like the middle of spring: online with little to no in-person instruction. But if students and parents accepted the rapid switch to online in March and April...

July 24, 2020 | The 74 Million

In California, Stanford University researcher Deborah Stipek is urging California leaders to consider which pre-K programs are most likely to benefit children who have lost opportunities to learn during the pandemic. “Given the limited resources for [early-childhood education], it is...

July 17, 2020 | Edutopia

As the new school year looms in the U.S., many teachers are unsure of the exact amount of time they will need to dedicate to remote teaching. With departments of education and districts looking to maintain both teacher and student...

July 15, 2020 | Business Insider

The coronavirus pandemic could upend universities as we know them. While other economic downturns were a boon for graduate programs, especially at elite business schools where young professionals—at least, the ones who can afford to—could await a better employment prospects...