California’s 40-year-old Proposition 13 dramatically changed how the state funds education. Between 1970 and 1997, per pupil spending in California fell more than 15 percent relative to spending in other states.
As pressures grow on schools to address students’ physical and mental health, including the stress and trauma they may experience in their homes and neighborhoods, many California educators are acknowledging that they don’t have the resources they need to respond...
Early childhood education. A top-tier national ranking for K-12 per-pupil spending. A data system that would track kids from nursery school through state universities. California’s Legislature won’t reconvene until 2019, but the Christmas wish list for public schools is already...
A big gap in governor-elect Gavin Newsom’s goal of a cradle-to-career education system is the lack of quality preschool for all children, a gap the new governor is eager to fill. On December 10, 2018, EdSource hosted a live webinar...
Governor-elect Newsom has pledged to significantly expand early education in California. But with more than 3 million kids aged 5 and under in the state, what would it take to do that? Leading experts and practitioners discuss the state’s ambitious...
When Gavin Newsom moves into the governor’s office next month, he will immediately have to confront the continuing legacy of Proposition 13, the 1978 referendum whose property tax cuts have slashed spending on California’s public education. In the 40 years...
Continuing a career of advocating for our youngest learners, Assemblymember Kevin McCarty (D – Sacramento), introduced the Pre-K for All Legislative Package. The package, includes three pieces of legislation, each designed to make high-quality preschool programs universally accessible for 3...
The California legislature will debate three Assembly bills in the upcoming session that would open up preschool options for thousands of California families.
As U.S. public schools become increasingly diverse racially, culturally and economically, they are turning to social emotional programs to better serve the different ways in which students interact with and invest in schooling and their education. Social emotional learning (SEL)...
This report takes an in-depth look at two school districts’ efforts to increase alignment and continuity between PreK and elementary schools, paying particular attention to mathematics. The comparative case study approach lays bare the complexity of this work – and...
Democratic Assemblymember Kevin McCarty of Sacramento introduced three pieces of legislation on Tuesday aiming to provide free preschool to about 100,000 more children from low and middle-income households in California.
California Assemblyman Kevin McCarty of Sacramento plans to introduce a nearly $2 billion package of bills to give access to preschool to all low-income 4-year-olds and more 3-year-olds. McCarty’s main bill would expand the state’s existing preschool program by about...
Governor-Elect Gavin Newsom is promising universal preschool for the next generation, and with Democrats winning a supermajority in the state Legislature, education in California is likely to see some big changes. Newsom's plan includes preschool for all children, which estimated...
Los estados del país están luchando por cumplir sus metas en torno al progreso de los estudiantes que están aprendiendo inglés, según encontró un nuevo reporte del Departamento de Educación. Publicidad. El reporte, publicado en septiembre y enviado al Congreso...
One Stanford University study says that California needs to spend billions more on the state’s PreK-12 public school system. Another Stanford study says that too-generous public pensions are robbing core government programs of needed funds. Will the two disparate ideas...
Tony Thurmond has named a veteran California education administrator as his chief deputy superintendent in his first act as state superintendent-elect of public instruction.
The alliance intended the website to serve as a guide for parents and the public that may be unaware of the significant shifts in policy under Gov. Jerry Brown and the State Board of Education that he appointed. To support...
Once thought of as a sacred cow, Proposition 13, the tax revolt measure passed in 1978, is now under attack. Schools and Communities First, a coalition of nearly 300 groups and leaders, has qualified an initiative for the Nov. 2020...
Besides voting for a new state superintendent of public instruction, voters in dozens of school districts in California on Tuesday decided whether to borrow money for school construction projects and tax themselves.
Newsom appeared to intuit this long before that report emerged. Newsom told the Oakland-based EdSource lobbying group California and the nation need “a new way of thinking about education as a lifetime pursuit. Our role begins when babies are still...
Rural and isolated school districts face big challenges—fewer resources, budget crunches, difficulties recruiting and retaining teachers and accessing professional development available to urban districts. Not to mention improving student outcomes and closing achievement gaps. But a recently released report, “The...
Over the past decade, California’s PreK-12 education system has seen a variety of reforms— new academic standards and assessments, the Local Control Funding Formula, advancements in data systems—yet despite these changes, a new research project reports that California lags behind...
California has more English learners than any other state, according to a report titled “English Learners: Charting Their Experiences and Mapping Their Futures in California Schools.” The report is one of 36 in Getting Down to Facts II, a comprehensive...
California districts with the most affluent students have been averaging more than twice as many local school bond dollars per student as the most impoverished districts, a CalMatters analysis reveals.
Even among the most engaged voters, the race for state superintendent may not attract much attention. But it is attracting huge amounts of money: upward of $43 million, mostly funneled to outside groups running advertisements in the race. The battle for...