As the conversation grows over how to measure SEL among students grows, gathering their own perspectives is an important part of the picture. States are also beginning to include student surveys as one piece of their accountability plans for the...
Sam Agronow had a long and distinguished career in institutional research spanning a number of institutions including Riverside County Schools, the University of California, Samuel Merritt College, and Saint Mary’s College. Sam also served as CAIR’s president in 2007-08 and...
Congratulations to Dr. Susanna Loeb! A joint resolution of the California State Legislature is passed recognizing Dr. Loeb for 20 years of contributing to California Education. The resolution is signed by Senator Ben Allen, of the 26th Senatorial District, and Assemblymember Patrick O’Donnell, of the 70th Assembly District.
Like their state counterparts, state boards must both respond to crises and plan ahead. A focus on creating the best possible learning for all will help educators, students, and families emerge from this crisis on a stronger footing. This issue of...
In its recent report, How Stakeholder Engagement Fuels Improvement Efforts In Three California School Districts, The Local Control Funding Formula Research Collaborative highlighted the Palmdale School District (PSD) as a leader in much-needed innovative stakeholder engagement efforts. Fundamental to the...
Policy Analysis for California Education and CORE, an organization representing eight urban school districts in California, released a new practice brief highlighting lessons learned on implementing social and emotional learning programs from the CORE districts.
This report highlights the financial stress facing teachers in regions of fast economic growth and high property values. Teachers in the San Francisco Bay Area report far greater financial anxiety than do samples of adults and workers from across the...
The extraordinary wave of teacher strikes highlights these crucial but often forgotten facts: In number, teachers are the largest profession in the United States. And collectively, they have the power to demand and win changes to funding and salaries. It’s...
Lashing out against low pay and what they see as paltry state spending on education, teachers in West Virginia, Kentucky, Oklahoma — and recently Arizona and Colorado — have made national headlines by walking off the job in unprecedented displays...
As the debate over teacher pay continues in the United States, we turn to this popular article from Education Finance and Policy about shortened school weeks for this week’s selection. School districts use a variety of policies to close budget...
English Learner (EL) students have been a key part of California’s K–12 system for decades. They currently make up about 21 percent of the public school population. English Learner status is meant to be temporary, and indeed, reclassified English Learners...
With an increased appreciation of students’ social-emotional skills among researchers and policy makers, many states and school districts are moving toward a systematic process to measure Social-Emotional Learning (SEL). In this study, we examine the measurement properties of California's CORE...
There were two empty podiums on stage at the Gubernatorial Education Forum in Ontario for the frontrunners in the race—Democrat Gavin Newsom and Republican John Cox.
On School’s In, Stanford University Assistant Professor Benjamin Domingue joined GSE Dean Dan Schwartz and Senior Lecturer Denise Pope for a discussion about recent developments in genetics and their relevance on education.
A new study by Stanford education scholars finds that girls perform better on standardized tests that have more open-ended questions while boys score higher when the tests include more multiple-choice. Researchers say the evidence has implications for test developers and...
Four years ago, a team of researchers embarked on a journey to follow the implementation of California’s landmark change in how it funds public schools: The Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF).
California legislators have confirmed what several high-profile reports and nearly anyone involved with students with disabilities have been saying for years about the state’s system of paying for special education: It’s insufficient, inefficient and inequitable. But while succeeding in drawing...
The University of California released a “major expansion” of UC Scout, a new online program designed to provide high school students with free access to Advanced Placement (AP) and “A-G” subject requirements required for competitive college admissions. UC Scout now...
If you said racism or gender identity is the hottest topic at colleges today, you’d be wrong. One of the most disputed issues in college isn’t about equality. It’s about whether the schools should make intermediate level algebra a requirement...
On February 21, the University of California (UC) announced that it would make online courses free for high school students to help them better compete for college spots. UC’s online program, widely known as UC Scout, is an attempt to...
Although evidence clearly contributes to thoughtful policy-making, evidence cannot and should not drive policy decisions. When we make decisions, or policies, we are driven by a desire to achieve a set of goals. The role of data is to provide...
A compendium of three dozen new studies on California education, involving dozens of researchers, will be released in June, in time to help shape the debate in state elections in November and the next governor’s approach to education.
The University of California today announced a major expansion of UC Scout, its online learning program to provide California high school students with free access to the courses they need to be eligible and competitive for admission into college. The...
A compendium of three dozen new studies on California education, involving dozens of researchers, will be released in June, in time to help shape the debate in state elections in November and the next governor’s approach to education. At least...
The Policy Analysis for California Education Policy Research Panel on Special Education has released a series of policy briefs summarizing key findings from the project Organizing Schools to Serve Students with Disabilities.Distinguished Professor George Farkas's article - "Achievement Gaps and...