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Congratulations to Dr. Susanna Loeb! A joint resolution of the California State Legislature is passed recognizing Dr. Loeb for 20 years of contributing to California Education. The resolution is signed by Senator Ben Allen, of the 26th Senatorial District, and Assemblymember Patrick O’Donnell, of the 70th Assembly District.

Like their state counterparts, state boards must both respond to crises and plan ahead. A focus on creating the best possible learning for all will help educators, students, and families emerge from this crisis on a stronger footing. This issue of...

May 11, 2018 | Aspen Institute

Policy Analysis for California Education and CORE, an organization representing eight urban school districts in California, released a new practice brief highlighting lessons learned on implementing social and emotional learning programs from the CORE districts.

March 31, 2018 | Stanford GSE News

On School’s In, Stanford University Assistant Professor Benjamin Domingue joined GSE Dean Dan Schwartz and Senior Lecturer Denise Pope for a discussion about recent developments in genetics and their relevance on education.

February 27, 2018 | New University

The University of California released a “major expansion” of UC Scout, a new online program designed to provide high school students with free access to Advanced Placement (AP) and “A-G” subject requirements required for competitive college admissions. UC Scout now...

February 25, 2018 | The Edvocate

If you said racism or gender identity is the hottest topic at colleges today, you’d be wrong. One of the most disputed issues in college isn’t about equality. It’s about whether the schools should make intermediate level algebra a requirement...

February 24, 2018 | eLearningInside

On February 21, the University of California (UC) announced that it would make online courses free for high school students to help them better compete for college spots. UC’s online program, widely known as UC Scout, is an attempt to...