Practice brief
Advancing Equity Through the Local Control Funding Formula
Promising Practices

California’s Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) ushered in a new era for California education policy. Enacted in 2013, the LCFF shifted control of most education dollars from the state to local school districts, allowing them to determine how to allocate their resources to best meet the needs of the students in their community. The LCFF also made it a matter of state policy to shine a spotlight on educational inequities and try to give districts the wherewithal to level the playing field for students who too often are left behind. This brief focuses on promising practices from three school districts as they implement the LCFF’s equity mission, and highlights the new role for county offices of education.
Suggested citation
Koppich, J. (2018, December). Advancing equity through the Local Control Funding Formula: Promising practices [Practice brief]. Policy Analysis for California Education.
Koppich, J. (2018, December). Advancing equity through the Local Control Funding Formula: Promising practices [Practice brief]. Policy Analysis for California Education.